Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 26 > Page 28 - Wrecked on the Cheticamp Coast, 1823

Page 28 - Wrecked on the Cheticamp Coast, 1823

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/8/1 (271 reads)

night or to rest ourselves. This was the chief of our support. The pork was become very dirty with dragging through the bushes and snow; and, having all the hair upon it, it was almost past eating the latter part of our journey. On the 29th, in the afternoon, we got to the wreck, and there we found poor Webster in the same place where we left him. He appeared to be in better health than we were who had been travelling. His heart leaped for joy at the sight of us; he had lost a great deal of blood; the grass where he had laid was covered therewith. He told us the other pig came close round him several times since we left him. We related to him the awful tale of the suf? ferings and ultimate loss of Mr. Collin? son, which he was very sorry to hear. Sunday the 30th, blowing strong, with snow and much sea on, there was no possibility of doing any thing with the boat....Monday, Dec. 1st, light airs from the eastward, but, for this season of the year, fine weather. We went down to the boats, or I may rather say respecting some, they crawled down, to use our utmost endeav? ours to get her out. With large rickers, at length we got her from the inside of the long boat, and by laying spars across the timber, and shoving her broadside first by little and little, some of us on our knees the whole time, at length, with the assistance of the Lord, we succeeded in getting her into the water, for which we had all'great reason to be thankful. It was a matter of great gratitude to the Al? mighty, that two of our companions had re? tained so much of their strength, or we should never have got her out. The boat we found leaked much. We discov? ered a drawer belonging to a chest, which served to bail her with, and a pail which we filled with fresh water; we also found a hammock which we made a mainsail of, and a large rug which made us a foresail; and we put in some old copper, which came off the ship's bottom, for ballast, Crompton saw one oar in a cove to the eastward, which he went for, but was scarcely able to bring it to the boat, and we were so fortunate as to find part of another; with these we thought we might be able to pull along the boat with the assistance of the sails. The next consideration was, how we should be able to get the cook into the boat, which we could not determine; how? ever, with much exertion, he crept on his knees into it. We saw the other pig sever? al times come very nigh us, but none of us were able to go after him. With a fresh breeze, and thus equipped, we left the awful place. We run along side the land to the westward, Taylor constant? ly bailing the boat; with respect to my? self, I laid in the midships; Mr. M'Cullum was employed in steering; Crompton sat near him; Simpson and Webster laid in the bow, and I do not remember them ever mov? ing much till we arrived at the settle? ment. Towards midnight we had calm but thick weather....Towards day-light in the EARLY SPACING = FASTER GROWTH IN5FI "The Pulp & Paper People' (1) What is Spacing? Spacing is the removal of unwanted trees from a young stand to give desirable ones space to grow. Sometimes this is called cleaning. Strictly speaking, spacing is a combined weeding and thinning operation. (2) Why Space? Throughout much of Nova Scotia, dense young stands, especially of balsam fir and spruce, are common. These thickets may have many thousands of trees per acre. Competition is fierce, trees grow slowly, many even? tually die. For best growth, stands should have be? tween 800 and 900 trees per acre of 7 to 8 feet be? tween trees, as evenly spaced as possible. (3) Where to Space Spacing should be done in stands 6 to 12 feet tall with more than 1,000 stems per acre growing on good sites. This includes thickets of pure fir, pure spruce mixed spruce and fir, mixed softwoods and hardwoods. (4) How to Space The small trees can be cut with an axe, but a power saw (chain or brush) is quicker. First remove the diseased and malformed trees and unwanted species. Then leave your very best trees about eight feet apart. A good way to estimate correct dis? tance is to add two feet to the span of your outstretched arms. Take care to cut all stumps low so that remaining live branches don't grow into malformed trees. Nova Scotia Forest Industries BADDECK TEL. PORT HAWKESBURY TEL. ANTIGONISH TEL. 295-2809 625-2460 863-1572 SOME ADVANTAGES OF SPACING ARE: Raises proportion of trees reaching saleable size. Gives bet? ter quality of wood. Shortens time between timber crops. Low? ers logging costs. Improves growth of remaining trees up to 300%. Allows you to alter your species mix.
Cape Breton's Magazine
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