Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 28 > Page 31 - At the Glengarry Mineral Spring

Page 31 - At the Glengarry Mineral Spring

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/6/1 (296 reads)

Glengarry Mineral Spring I believe he had two of those. We started filling the jars. He was going to take that with him. Sunday was the next day. He wanted me to go out with him again Sunday. Well, I de? cided I would, doing the same thing for him. He seemed to have money--he was very free talking about it anyway--I'd make a dollar for myself. So anyvay, we got him supper and same as before, I buttered the bread for him and everything. He couldn't do anything. He went to bed and everybody went to bed. And next morning, we were go? ing to church. It was only I and Mother home at that time--the rest of them were gone, I guess--so we didn't bother to wake him, you know, left him in bed because he wasn't able to do anything or take any? thing . And we went to church and we came home after Mass--he was after getting up. And he'd had his breakfast--he did it all himself--bread and an egg or two and what? ever it was that was going at the time. And, "Look," he says, "I'm pretty near all right." "Will we go out to Glengarry?" "No," he says, "I don't think it's neces? sary. I'm going to be all right. But any? way," he said, "I'll stay. I didn't intend to go back 'til Monday anyway, so I'll stay here and we'll go out Monday if I'm no better." CONTINUED FROM INSIDE FRONT COVER My god, he could butter his bread, he could pefel potatoes, and he could feed himself. It was a wonderful change to what it was • And sure enough, he stayed all day. He washed himself with some of the 5 gal? lons , and he was in the sun there. He stayed around all day Sunday, and Monday we were supposed to go up again but we never went. And he got the wagon and helped hitch the horse, and about a week afterwards we got a letter from him--he was working in the pit. He was a coal min? er. There's a lot of other people dead and gone now that could tell you the same of miracles that happened out there. Cures, wonderful cures. (Did prayer play any role in this?) Well I don't think, as far as this man was concerned. I never heard him say a word about God while he was here. (Would the priest ever talk about the wa? ters out there?) Well, the old priests that were here before my time were sup? posed to have blessed it and things like that, but I never heard of priests predict? ing that it cured. I think it was the stuff in the water, if there was cure in it. It must have been effective. My aunt also. She was terrible with rheumatism. She was a bed patient for a long time, and there was a doctor in Sydney that recom- WKen in Sydney, stop by our new showroom at 525 Vulcan Ave., 50,000 sq.ft. of furniture, appliances, all under one roof. /diuiciflz /houuroom/ & uuorehou/e A gpod percentage of the people who come to CentralTrust, come because they get a good percent. We help people appreciate their money more. Some put it in our high interest sav? ings accounts. Some invest in our QIC's and Debentures. Some take advantage of our no charge chequing, our personal loans, business loans or mortgage loans. Some call on us for all of the above. , Centrallk'ust 'E Money appreciation. 225 Charlotte Street, Sydney, N.S. Tel. 539-9210 Branches throughout the Atlantic Provinces. Alberta and Ontano golf y '"' course Adjacent Dundee Golf Course and Located on a particularly beautiful site overlooking the Bras d'Or Lake, Dundee Golf Course is a new professionally designed nine hole public golf course. DUNDEE GOLF COURSE AND COTTAGES are located in:Dundee, Cape Breton, just 17 rr>iles East of Port.Hawkesbury. Fully Equipped Housekeeping Cottages One & Two Bedroom Units Heated Swimming Pool - Natural Play Area Dining Room - Lounge Tennis Courts - Pro Shop Golf Car Rentals - Golf Cart Rentals
Cape Breton's Magazine
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