Page 32 - Regarding the 1895 Monument
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1984/6/1 (259 reads)England and New England had cooperated to conquer Louisbourg in 1745, so it was hoped that there would always be, in Lieu? tenant-Governor Daly's words, 'fraternal good will...between New England and Old England; and that every Canadian who may gaze upon it (the monument) may learn the lesson plainly taught by it, that what Col? onists have done before. Colonists can do again.' The address of Sydney native Sir John G. Bourinot, chief clerk of the House of Commons, who could not attend in person but whose speech was nonetheless read to the assembled multitude, was perhaps the most explicit expression of Anglophile and Whig sentiments. He wrote that though it was not 'the humiliation of France we cele? brate. was a happy day for Canada.,. for English as well as French Canadians-- that the fleur-de-lys fell from the for? tresses of Louisbourg and Quebec' Com? ments concerning the French defeat in? cluded one by Frederic de Peyster, Gover? nor-General of the Society of Colonial Wars, that 'Few laurels can be won by de? feating a horde of Asiatic slaves, but to tear the lilies from this citadel was, in? deed, a splendid achievement.' "Two days after the gala event Pascal Poir? ier rose in the Senate to repeat his objec? tions, and to express his disappointment that the monument was unveiled by a repre? sentative of the crown.... As for the Soci? ety of Colonial Wars ceremony, (Prime Min? ister MacKenzie) Bowell understood that 'due praise' had been given to the French by the various speakers. On the general question of historic site preservation and monument-raising the Prime Minister com? mented that initiatives in that area were praiseworthy as they tended to 'national? ize our people.'... "During the reconstruction project (at For? tress Louisbourg National Historic Park) of the 1960s the Colonial Wars monument was relocated and damaged in the process." Sen. Pascal Poirier, 1895 Hon. Mr. POIRIER: "The fact of alien people taking upon themselves to erect a monument on a foreign land is, in itself, a thing unheard of among civ? ilized nations.... "If this monument was simply in honour of the dead, it would be right enough. Those people, French, English and Swiss • because the French garrison was composed mostly of Swiss who died a military death • died for their country or their pay and they deserve commemoration, but if I understand the meaning of the proposed monument it is not to be erected to the memory of the dead, but as an a- potheosis of war and victories. It is a monument that, if those soldiers who are sleeping their last slumber could understand it, would mean glor? ification for some of them and the reverse for the others. There is no occasion for that. The time for those bitter wars is past, and if we are going to erect monuments, let us raise monuments to the dead without discrimination. "Now what inscription is that monument to bear? That is an important question. We have no control over them, apparently. They are going there to e- rect a costly monument of marble or granite, but what inscription is it going to bear? If those who are going to erect it wish to be true to history, 'mi'mmmi''m' CONTINUED NEXT PAGE Keddy's Motor Inn 600 King's Rd., Sydney, N.S. Licensed Dining Daily Features Restaurant Hours 7 a.m.-2 p.m. 5 p.m.-10 p.m. 165 Rooms Air Conditioned Colour Cable TV Featuring Cape Breton's Only Complete Indoor Recreation Facility • • Pool • Sauna • Whirlpool Bath • Oasis Pool Bar • Games Machines ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING NIGHTLY AT IVORY'S LOUNGE For Reservations Phone 539-1140 (32) Louisbourg Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park Nova Scotia June 1 - September 30 Forteresse de Louisbourg pare historique national Nouvelle-Ecosse 1'' juin-30septembre
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