Page 46 - Advert: The Giving Trees
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/1/1 (280 reads)Page 45 - Allan the Ridge MacDonald, Gaelic Poet: An Introduction to the Mabou Bards
Page 47 - A Social Worker Visits Cape Breton, 1925
Today we tend to think of forests only as places for recreation and retreat • which they certainly are. But if we look beyond the physical beauty and environmental benefits, we glimpse another side of this amazing resource. Consider: • 5 nnills producing pulp, paper and hard- board and providing nearly 6,000 person-years of employment and $400 million in export values annually. • Over 300 sawmills earning more than $50 million a year and giving jobs and be? nefits to hundreds of rural communities • Thousands of rural Christmas tree grow? ers producing 1.6 million trees worth over $10 million a year • 3,000 woodlot owners improving their land through federal-provincial agree? ments since 1977 • 8,000 direct and 16,000 indirect jobs accounting for 16% of all manufacturing employment and 30% of all exports. PS: For information on what's being done to give something back, write: GIVING TREES C/0 Department of Lands & Forests P.O. Box 68, Truro, N.S. B2N 588 Our forests • more than just a pretty place. Department of Lands and Forests Honourable Ken Streatch Minister (46)
Page 45 - Allan the Ridge MacDonald, Gaelic Poet: An Introduction to the Mabou Bards
Page 47 - A Social Worker Visits Cape Breton, 1925
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