Page 39 - Robin Stuart, Salmon Farmer
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1 (278 reads)really did seem to be very interested in it. Probably some for different reasons. You know, maybe the business community, they must have felt that there was a con? siderable profit margin in it. And other people felt that it was the right type of industrial development that they liked to see for Cape Breton, (What kind of support did you get?) Tremendous. It was just over? whelming . Support was slow at the start, but it was like a snowball. I was getting calls--eve- ry night I got home from feeding the fish-- I'd get more phone calls from people real? ly interested in talking about the subject and investing in the company. People had heard about it in the media, they'd seen it in the paper, they thought it was a ter? rific idea. I had a garage mechanic from East Bay, a fellow with a muffler shop-- that was an unusual person to think of in? vesting in fish fanning, A social worker in New Waterford who works 12-hour days-- very, very dedicated to his cause. Obvious? ly not making very much money all his life, but very--social ethics and that. He felt that this was the type of thing that he'd like to invest in. A couple of schoolteach? ers. And schoolteachers are basically, if you know them, by nature a very conserva? tive people usually. Even they told me they'd never even thought of investing be? fore, but they liked this type of concept. Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald and other Cape Breton music--the kind you hardly ever find in stores anymore. FREE MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE. THE MUSIC BARN p. 0. Box 309, Dept. 20, Mt. Albert, Ont. LOG IMO Who else have we got? Lobster fishermen. Even in my local community. Saw me going out trying to set up the cages there, saw that I was working, I guess, and felt that maybe it was a worthwhile venture to put in some money. And the restaurant trade as well. Small business people. There's a couple of small business people that have bought single shares, who have told me that they know what it's like, how hard it is to get going in small business. I remember a woman calling me up. I was on "Information Morning" one morning at 7:15. I was just talking my story. And I just hung up from talking to Joella, and I got a call from a woman in Glace Bay who says she normally puts her money into Canada Savings Bonds. But she would be much more interested in investing in my company. She felt that it was contributing more. Even though she knew the risk was greater. I never gave anybody any guarantee. I told them the risks--you are dealing with the natural environment, there are hazards, there are hurricanes, and there's seals and predators. It's 3 years before the first fish is marketable. I have 49 shareholders. So if you look at that, it just gives you an idea, where there's (only) 100 shares being sold, that they are small shares basically, most of them. My largest shareholder is 10 shares. And that's terrific. I own 60% of the com? pany, under the arrangement. Although some of the business sector of my shareholders were trying to talk me out of that particu? lar part. But I really didn't want to let go of that. As I explained to somebody Stop Smoking- Once and for All! Your local LUNG ASSOCIATION is offering courses and clinics designed to help you KICK THE HABIT. , _ H. K Marshall ilL Limited ' FREEDOM FROM SMOKING IN TWENTY DAYS consists of two easy-to-read manuals which guide you through a detailed, step-by- step method of QUITTING SMOKING. COUNTDOWN is a new program which com? bines the self- help method with group setting. In 7 sessions, over 5 weeks, you can free yourself of the habit of a life? time. P. 0. Box 9301, Station "A" 3731 MacKintosh Street Halifax, N. S. B3K 5N5 (902) 454-8381 For more information about these or other programs provided by the LUNG ASSOCIATION call or write: 106 Townsend St., Sydney, N. S. BIP 5E1 539-1923 Atlantic Canada's Largest Distributor of Books and Periodicals OUR EDUCATIONAL DIVISION FEATURES OVER 5,000 TITLES: Children's Books Paperbacks for High Schools, Elementary Schools & Colleges t THE LUNG ASSOCIATION Branches in Sydney, N. S. (902) 539-3220 St. John's, Nfld. Charlottetown, P. E. I.
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