Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 41 > Page 50 - Diary: Mary Smith of Smithville, 1890-92

Page 50 - Diary: Mary Smith of Smithville, 1890-92

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1 (280 reads)

mow Oats since dinner it is still cold and windey Tuesday Sep'' 22"' a heavy frost last night all green grain will be ripe now... they have finished cutting the piece of Oats by the Barn and are now mowing in the upper field the hens got out yester? day and Lewis turned the Geese on the Barley stub? ble today they will soon get fat Sarah and Bella Ethel and Bertie are gone on a visit to Mrs. Push- ies this afternoon Flora is doeing her washing Sar? ah churned before she went Maria finished warpeing last night and has got a piece in the loom ready to weave at dinnertime I wash dishes and knit this is a fine day but cold there was a flock of wilde Geese passed to the southward today Sarah and the children got home about nine o clock Aunt Ellen got a dispatch from Maggie to let them know that Annie will leave Boston on Saturday so George will have to meet her at the Strait Tuesday morning. I wish she was home safely November Saturday Nov 7 a pretty milde soft day looks like rain Lewis took twenty bushel Oats to the N E Mill with the Black horse and Bertie went with him to hold the horse, they have just got home they got a letter from Sydney with prices of goods but no money for Pork, we are knitting and sewing Sunday Nov 8 a dark cloudy day it rained last night and the moste of the snow is gone the cattle will now make their own liveing again no one of us went to church Uncle George Thomas and Minnie went Vltedo financing FBDBIs a Federal Crown Corporation with a mandate to help business succeed through flexible financing. Do you need financing? • Increase in cash flow? • Refinancing? • Expansion? • Land Purchase? • Construction of building? • Renewal of equipment? • l'ajor repairs? • Research and development? • Acquisition? At FBDB, we know that both new and wjell established businesses can use financing and we're here to give it to you. Here's how. We analyse your project (viability, risks, securities, equity, etc.). If it looks favour? able, we can provide you with term loans designed especially to meet your needs: • Term loans granted for up to 20 years • You can choose: • floating rates • fixed rates for periods of 1,2,3,4 or 5 years • combination of floating and fixed rates. • Floating interest rate loans may be converted to fixed rates (at the borrower's con? venience for a minimal fee). • Flexible repayment terms according to the borrower's capacity. • monthly installments • seasonal payments With our financial help, you'll have room to breathe, maintain cash flow, and grow! Call us today: (902)564-7700 48-50 Dorchester St., Sydney, Nova Scotia BIP 6H7 BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS Federal Business Banque federale Development Bank de developpement La banque offre ses services dans les deux langues officielles. Canada Monday Nov 9 a lovely bright sunney day George and Lewis killed their Pigs... Flora washed Sarah and the girls helped her I sewed the knitted shirt togeather and Sarah and Bella cleaned the fat of the interils it was pretty late when they was done, for there was three men and a woman that they had to get dinner fiDr besides all the family and uncle George Tuesday Nov '10 a dark foggy day while frost last night but not cold today George and Lewis gone to Port Hood with their Pork and Butter. C P and the children pulling Turnips Sarah trying out the larde and other work and churning Flora clean? ing up the kitchen. I put away the seede peas and Beans after dinner Aunt Ellen and the children all came up and helped to finish the Turnips it was near midnight when Lewis got home Saturday Nov '14 a little colder then it has been for the last few days the mud drying up some, the stranger better but did not get up till after the family had breckfast he went away after he got his breckfast. Lewis got done thrashing at Har? riets after dinner and he is going to the Bridge ' to bring an Orgen up to ?ur house to give it house- room for the winter as the man cant sell it Sunday Nov 15 a cold morning with a little sprincle of snow wich fell after sunrise, the sun rose clear but right away there was a snow squall Lewis got home a little after we had tea last night and brought the Orgen and Mr Morse came back with him and they set the Orgen up and we had grand music till late bedtime, and as there was no meeting in Church today we had music all day. Mr NOW SERVING ALL of Gape Breton Island East Coast Kitchens and... Central Supplies EAST COAST KITCHENS and CENTRAL SUPPLIES of Antigon? ish have combined to create in Sydney one of the biggest, most complete Kitchen Cabinet and Counter Top Centres in eastern Nova Scotia. From Kitchen Renovations to New Home Packages--we have every? thing. Drop off your plans or come in for free de? signs and estimates, using our special computerized methods. Visit CENTRAL SUPPLIES and see for your? self the beauty of our new, low-priced kitchens. CENTRAL SUPPLIES 87 Industrial Dr. Sydney, Nova Scotia 539-8779 539-9682 UPPER PRINCE ST. GRAND LAKE RD.
Cape Breton's Magazine
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