Page 60 - A Micmac Tale: "Magic Flight"
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/1/1 (166 reads)I want you to put his body back, j-ust as it was, and pick up all the parts." Pilip said, "I'll do it." Pilip went to the black pole, the man fell down. He was pret? ty well smashed, fingers in all directions, legs off, head away over there. The girl thought, "Pilip will never manage this." She went with the dinner earlier than be? fore. She said, "I'll help you to put eve? ry thing back. I'll fix one arm, the right arm, you fix the left." Pilip put on the little finger wrong side out. There it stuck. He didn't tell his wife about it, they went home. She told Pilip to saw some big logs V7ith a cross saw. In the evening her father came home, look? ing very dull (after that fall). The old lady said, "What makes you look so dull?" --"Oh, I caught cold." Pilip had something on his mind. He watched him. When he saw the old man eating, he saw that his finger was turned wrong side out. Pilip left the table. The girl said, "Why don't you eat?" --He said, "I don't feel like eating." He went out and sat down on the bench where he had been sawing logs. He thinks, "That's the fellow we were fixing today." After she did the dishes, the girl went out to the fellow. She asked, "What's on your mind?"--"I am thinking that the man we fixed was your father."--"So he is."-- "Well, I think I'll go away tonight." The girl said, "I'll go, too. If you go away alone, my father will catch you."--"How?" --"He has got a pair of boots lined with gold, very fast. My mother has a pair, too."--"Well, we'll go."--"What shall we do? Our mother is watching us, she is a- fraid we'll run away." They went in their bed-room to play cards. The girl stole the boots, she put one pair on Pilip, one pair on herself. Now she.spoke to the cards, "We're going to run away, but don't you let on when we go • " The girl's name is Katherine "If my mother says, 'Katherine, stop playing,' you cards speak to my moth? er, say, 'We're going to finish this game.'" They left. After awhile the old lady called, "Katherine, are you playing yet?" --"Yes."--"Time for you to come to bed."-- "Just finish this game, mother (Kidju')." (Cards speaking now.) The old lady heard the cards still playing, "You hear me, stop playing."--"Well, we've started anoth? er game, lion't mind us. Go to sleep, moth? er. "--About one o'clock she hears the cards still. "Ain't you going to bed yet?" --"No, not yet." The old lady gets mad, she gets up, she opens the door, sees the cards jumping, nobody there. She saw their tracks, she came in screeching. She shook MacLean Industrial Suooly '' COMPANY LIMITED '|| INDUSTRIAL - MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES iilB "Serving Atlantic Canada" Vlidway Motors Ltd. Middle River R. R. No. 3. Baddeck Victoria Co., N. S. BOE IBO I 295-2290 : Local Dealer for CHRYSLER Products Aries SE 4-door Sedan is shown 5559 Bilby St., P.O.Box 1730, N. Postal Stn., Halifax, N. S. B3K 1V4 * (902)454-7413 WE SELL SERVICE AND QUALITY PRODUCTS P.O.Box 1390, 207 Kings Rd., Sydney, N. S. BIP 6K3 (902)564-5540 Grandview Industrial Park, P.O.Box 2292, Station C, . Saint John, N. B. E2L 3V6 (506)657-1296 Lunchtime, dinnertime, partytime, anytime, it's finger lickin' good. Ketitiif ki| fried 'ki' ken No matter what you're doing or how many you're with there's nothing that tastes so good when you're hungry as... 5 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: '' north sydney • '''4'*'!, ,, ' new waterford,* Sydney'* ' 'a ' sydney river • The Colonel's Taste is Best Z)t Cljitbtn Cbaltt"- D STERLING MALL Glace Bay, N.S. Telephone 849-6689 D SYDNEY SHOPPING CENTRE Prince Street, Sydney, N.S. Telephone 564-6322 D 7 BLOWERS STREET North Sydney, N.S. Telephone 794-3534 a CAPE BRETON SHOPPING PLAZA Sydney River, N.S. Telephone 564-6646, D PLUMMER AVENUE New Waterford, N.S. Telephone 862-2111
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