Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 42 > Page 45 - Presbyterianism in Old Cape Breton

Page 45 - Presbyterianism in Old Cape Breton

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/6/1 (303 reads)

Rev. Norman McLeod Rev. Wm. Millar Rev. Peter McLean Rev. Murdoch Stewart Rev. John Stewart Rev. James Fraser Rev. Matthew Wilson Rev. Hugh McLeod tion concerning the special topic under considera? tion could possibly be acquired previously to its announcement by the propounder; therefore, ample evidence of the mental ability of the speakers, as well as of their familiarity with the Bible and with Christian experience, was given in the elo? quent extemporaneous presentation of argument, for? tified by quotation and authority from Scripture in abundance, in which these men expressed their most profound thoughts and ideas. On Saturday afternoon, at the conclusion of the preaching service, the candidates for Sacramental admission presented themselves for examination as to their knowledge of the Church doctrines, as to their personal experience of the saving power of the Gospel of Christ, and as to their performance of religious duties. Many and trying were the ques? tions put and answered, and sorrowful indeed was the mental condition of the poor person "sent back" for another year. Those who were considered satis? factory became the happy recipients of the "token," which they were allowed to retain in their posses? sion until the following day, when it was given up to one of the attending elders as the communicant took his or her place at the Lord's Table. Matters reached their culmination on Sunday, when the Sacrament was dispensed in the open air. No? body, however flippant, could gaze upon the slowly advancing men and women, mostly past middle age, who rose from their places on the ground and pro? ceeded, while a psalm was being sung, to the white- covered Communion Table--I say nobody could gaze upon these people without being impressed with their sincerity and seriousness, with the convic? tion that their experience was a blessed reality and not a vanishing dream. It was one of the grand? est and most sublime sights the world ever beheld, and compelled one to think of Him who preached to the multitude on the shores of Gennesaret, with the ripple of the waves on the strand as the under? tone of the words of life that fell from His lips. In this connection I desire to supply an extract from a report made on the Sabbath Day exercises of the Open Air Communion in Cape Breton as observed in 1872, by Rev. Prof. McKerras, of Queen's Col? lege, Kingston, Ontario:-- "Here we witnessed a genuine Highland Sacrament of the olden time What a crowd was there drawn to? gether from all directions by the time-hallowed as- Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription Now O Locations in Cape Breton co Serve You CAPE BRETON SHOPPING PLAZA 564-8151 MAYFLOWER MALL 539-5080 Operated by Manson Drugs Ltd. TL Blue Heron Gift Shop vTNBOOKS, GLASSWARE, FIGURINES, WOOOENWARE, CRYSTAL Ji Gifts for All Occasions • JLX. BADDECK, N. S. 295-3424 Home of the PEERLESS <'&4/Waw' SHOWPLACE '' '' ADivisionof ''0 'd '''% Provincial Flooring Ltd. 0 m Qo 199 TOWNSEND ST., SYDNEY, N.S. P.O. Box 1660, BIP 6T7 Tel.: 562-8453 (45)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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