Page 62 - "George Alfred Beckett": Story & Song
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/6/1 (432 reads)Dirty Danny' Oh come all honest workers and listen to me When you hear my story with me you'll agree Arrested for nothing and glad to admit One evening last week as I came from the pit. Now a coal company policeman • a man I knew well And for to expose him the truth I will tell Wherever you see him you'll hear people say, "Why there's Dirty Danny • the buck from East Bay." One evening last week as I walked from the mine As I walked along sure some wood I did find It was my intention, the truth I must say. To use it to kindle the fire next day. I had not gone far when I heard someone shout, "You're taking great chances, you'd better watch out, I'll have you arrested and a fine make you pay!" Remarked Dirty Danny who came from East Bay. Now when I did appear His Honour did say, "Sir, you're charged with stealing, what have you I pleaded "Not guilty" but it was no good /to say?" Dirty Danny he swore he caught me with the wood. Oh I tried'to explain but I seen there's no use His Honour remarked, "Sir, I want no excuse. You'll pay seven-fifty or else put up bail Or the rest of tonight you will spend in the jail." Oh my times were so hard and my dollars but few I had to consider just what would I do To pay seven-fifty was sure hard on me But I'll never forgive him, His Honour A. B. And now to conclude and to finish my song The truth I have stated, you'll find it's not wrong But I hope I'll get even if I live some day With my friend Dirty Danny who came from East Bay. So far we've actually heard 4 (possibly 5) songs made by Phil Penney. WeVe heard "George Beckett's Lament," "Carl Anderson" (who was also known as Ed? mund Sloan, and who murdered a man in a hotel in Sydney), "Dirty Danny," and "MacSorley's Horse," Some think Penney wrote "The New Aberdeen Liquor store," but we'd like others to confirm that for us. And we'd like to hear from anyone who can sing or has the words to these or other Phil Penney songs. Do you know "Wreck of the Watford"? Or do you know songs made about the murder of Joyce Rob? erts or the Brodie murder? Please write and let us know • write to Cape Breton's Magazine, Wreck Cove, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia BOC IHO. The first version of "George Beckett's Lament" we heard was one that Ronnie MacEachern taped from Marcella Whitty of North Sydney in 1977. We've learned since then that it has been collected a number of times in Newfoundland. Our thanks to Wayne Fedora, Sydney, who supplied a copy of Phil Penney's printed version of "George Beckett's La? ment" from his mother's scrapbook. Our thanks as well to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wheeliker, Glace Bay, who showed us a story about Beckett in a 1952 crime magazine • long before we knew there was a song. In 1981, the story was told in The Highlander by Peg? gy MacDonald. Bagnell's Gift Boutique Camera Supplies, Handcrafts, and Souvenirs Open Year 'Round - 7 Days a Week In the Heart of Louisbourg But a principal source • and one we had not hoped to find • was the transcript of the murder trial. We had been told it had been lost when the old courthouse burned. But it turned out that the court stenographer, Ann Bown Crawley, took an in? terest in murder trials and saved a copy for her? self. Thus, when her papers went into the Crawley Collection, Beaton Institute, the trial of George Alfred Beckett went there, too. It is a good re? minder of the importance of depositing papers at the Beaton Institute, University College of Cape Breton, Our thanks to the staff of that archives for their continued help. Ms, Crawley's copy of the transcript also contained two newspaper clip? pings • the cartoon of Beckett and others used in this article, and the following Card of Thanks: "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beckett of Old Perlican wish to publicly thank all those who in any way expressed their sympathy to them either by message or let? ters on their recent trouble and sore affliction. Many special thanks are due to Rev, F, Friggins of Sydney, C, B,, who was our son's spiritual adviser and was instrumental in God's hands of saving his soul, claiming the body and burial in the usual way, also Ex Aid, Angus McDonald who followed him to the grave. We wish to thank Sir J. Crosbie and Mrs. J, Whiteway of St. John's for messages of sym? pathy and Mr, H, G, Puddester his lawyer at St, John's and Mr, Patterson lawyer at Sydney, who did their best, and also Mr, J, C, Puddester, M, H, A,, who was always ready to visit him at St. John's, There was no appeal granted, he confessed his 'jjg''cj'arj'gn'jconfessedjji'''sin Jacques-Cartier Motel Mr, Gervase Chan, P, 0, Box 555, Sydney, N. S, Motel: (902)539-4375 Residence: (902)562-2985 SYDNEY- GLACE BAY HIGHWAY FRANCAIS 2 Kilometres de I'Aeroport ENGLISH (62) YOU HAVE THE QUESTIONS? WE HAVE THE NUMBERS: 429-2730 (Halifax area) or toll-free 1-800-565-7189 GENERAL INSURANCE Automobile - Property - Liability We are an association of general insur? ance companies across Canada. Our job is to explain and help you under? stand your insurance. IrvsuroAce Bureau of Carvada • Bureau d'assurarvce du Carvada Representing private general insurance companies in Canada IBC Information Service Ste. 1206, 1505 Barrington Street Halifax, N.S. B3J 3K5
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