Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 47 > Page 10 - A Visit with Nan Morrison, Baddeck

Page 10 - A Visit with Nan Morrison, Baddeck

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1 (217 reads)

(After your brother got well, did you then go back to Boston?) Yes. (Same work?) Same work. Well, the year after that, I went in? to practical nursing, although I didn't have any training. But I had the experi? ence. And they gave me a job working nights. (When did you get married?) Oh, I got mar? ried after I left the Aspy. (Where did you find your husband?) He found me. I didn't like him, but he found me! Oh, dear, it was funny. He found me in Englishtown. I was working for (a woman) when her baby was born. That's where I met him. (But you didn't like him.) Well, he used to make pretty sly remarks about another fellow I went with before that. He used to tease me, when I was on the Aspy. that I was wasting a 3-cent stamp and all this. I didn't like him for that reason. He was only jealous, I guess, at the time. (Was he able to change your mind?) Yes, he was. And I couldn't have wished for a bet? ter man. He was away a lot of the time, but.... He was away, scaling lumber. New Brunswick. And Dr. MacMillan used to ask me why I wouldn't go along, and follow him. I said, "Do you think I'm going to run around every 6 months and get a new apartment, or take the kids out of school and put them in another school?" Sometimes he didn't get home for 6 months. But we were happy. (Sometimes a little space like that keeps you happy.) Right. RENT-A- WRECK >cnt-a-wrcck The Practical Alternative 564-8366 180 Kings Road, SYDNEY, N. S. 140 LOCATIONS ACROSS CANADA We Rent Carefully Maintained Cars and Trucks vi.:?j,e -11.e pictures of you out at a trap? pers' log camp in winter. Did you go often to the woods when they were trapping?) No, we only went the once. And boy, I wouldn't have got away the next time, with my fa? ther--! Oh, my father! We were talking about it that night before we went to bed, you know. Before the boys left. They were playing cards at the house. And Angus said, "Why don't you come with us. Nan?" I said, "Yes, I think I will." My father says, "You take her in the morning and I'll kill you!" I said, "Don't worry. Angus." My father was BOOKS ARE A GREAT GIFT ANY TIME OF THE YEAR Cape Breton Books A Good Selection of First-Rate literature • A Wide Range of Books from Popular to Scholarly 361 Charlotte St., Sydney B1P1E1 (next to the Peking Restaurant) (539-8551) IF YOU COD A FISH, BUT LOBSTER IN THE SEA.,.. COME QUICK TO GEORGE'S FISH MARKET THAT'S WHERE SHE'LL BE. FRESH AND FROZEN FISH. LOBSTER TOO! 243 Commercial Street, North Sydney, N. S. B2A 3IVI3 (Next to the Sliipyard) (902) 794-7634 (Open: Monday-Saturday 9-5 * Thursday 9'8) (10)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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