Page 39 - "But we went out after mackerel"!"
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/1/1 (260 reads)But we went out after mackerel III Merrill Maclnnis: We went out that morning to catch mackerel just for fillet? ing for the winter--we were going to salt them. And we were all through crab fishing. (Had) taken all our crab gear ashore, and we just wanted to get some extra fish for the winter. For pickling. And we went out, I guess, sev? en o'clock or so. Charlie was with me--Charlie Mac? Askill. And we were out there around 10:00. I guess. And we had caught a couple of hundred pounds of mackerel, so we thought. Well, that will do for today. We'll come in and fillet them, and get home by lunchtime. So it was 10:30. We had come up to the bell buoy-- up by the harbour up here (Little River)--and we started cleaning the mackerel. We had done, oh, maybe half of them, fil? leted them. And we had a whole bunch of seagulls-- about a hundred seagulls- sitting down getting the trimmings of the they were just mackerel. And just all of a suddenlike somebody fired a rifle, the hundred sea- Contact the children's services agency in your area. '[i)' Department of Community Services You Are Welcome to Wandlyn for Your Meals or Overnight iiunnDLvni Inns 69 Air- Conditioned Rooms Senior Citizen Discount Fine Dining at Family Prices A Fully Licensed Dining Room featuring Fresh Seafood WANDLYN INN 100 King's Road, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1S1A1 CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-561-0000 (Canada) 1-800-561-0006 (U. S.) Let Us Fill Your Next rescriptlon Now 2 Locations In Cape Breton to Serve You CAPE BRETON SHOPPING PLAZA 564-8151 MAYFLOWER MALL 539-5080 Operated t?y Manson Drugs Ltd. (39)
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