Page 2 - Johnny Allan MacDonald of Enon
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1 (418 reads)about Scotland. Mostly about the peat. (And) what they call "the Big Carpenter." He lived about near where Cassie McCuish lives. (Her home--see back cover--is on the Salem Road. Lochhead. near the McCuish Ce? metery where the Big Carpenter. Angus Mac? Donald. is buried.) And his 2 brothers-- there were two brothers left over in the Old Country--one of them was learning to be a wheelwright, and another one by the name Peter, he stayed with him. And they came over in 1829, those two. The first settlers came in '28. (And the Big Carpenter, who was he?) Well, he was a MacDonald, the Big Carpenter. And my grandmother would be one of his daugh? ters. (Was he the first of your people to come here?) Oh, yes, yeah. (Why did they call him the Big Carpenter?) Well, I sup? pose he might have been a big man. I never questioned too much about him. Only, he had that name, the Big Carpenter. Ltoyd MacDonald 'NISSAN Our 29th Year 124 KINGS ROAD SYDNEY RIVER Toll Free 1-800-565-9427 20 CAR SHOWROOM '88 Pathfinder 4x4 NOW IN STOCK Of course, it was log houses they had at first. And when they started to build frame houses, my grandmother had a conch, and she'd blow that conch--they could hear that conch for miles around. And they'd come-- you know, there'd be a frolic, putting up the house or barn or whatever it would be. So many blows on that conch. They'd hear it all over the whole country. (What else do we know about the Big Carpen? ter?) Oh, that was all I ever heard, that he was a carpenter and he was the builder. He had a son (Donald)--he was 18 when they left Scotland. My grandmother was 16. And Donald, he was the bloodletter, you know. And when there was a doctor called--they used to believe in letting blood an awful lot in those days. And when a doctor was called (for), when a doctor would come, to let some blood, they'd send for Donald Mac? Donald. He was very quick. They called him a doctor. He was so quick with the lance. (And was this the only cure that he had?) I believe that was the only cure he had. He was a farmer. Angus was the Big Carpenter. My grandmother would be his daughter. And Donald would be his son. (Did she ever tell you anything about Scot? land? What did she tell you about the peat?) Oh, the peat, you know. They used to cut it and stack it on the surface. And when it would be dry, come the first of winter, or wintertime, they'd take it home. They used to burn it in what we'd call a gummer 'pestival 'hov'case Nova Scotia's fine performing talent will enter? tain in community halls, parks, and special sites throughout Nova Scotia - Summer 1988. Watch for Siammer Festival Showcase posters for times and places. Simimer Festival Showcase is a joint project of the Nova Scotia Department of Tourism & Culture and the Sport & Recreation Commission For further information contact: Co-ordinator Summer Festival Showcase Provincial Building Prince Street Sydney, N. S. BIP 5L1 Phpng $$3-2319 Nova Scotia Department of ''taj'*' Tourism and Culture ,'''''h. Hon. Brian Young, Minister Sport and Recreation Commission Hon. Greg Kerr, Minister
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