Page 65 - Glace Bay Cinderella Miners
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/2/1 (587 reads)Glace Bay Cinderella Miners continued from Back cover Stick boy: Skipper lUlurphy. Front. I. to r.: Cecil LeBlanc, Ron Donovan, Bobby Andrea, Angus IVIacDougall, l/lanning IVIclntyre, l/lurray l/latheson, Timmy Mines. iVIiddle: Alfie iVlacPiierson, Fran FInlayson, Buddy Sulliman, Jack Scott, Bob fUlacKenzie, Slim l/icKinnon, Porky IViaciUlullin, Bouey Andrews, Red Angus i/lacNeil, Judge Leo iVIaclntyre. Back: Bili Sidney, Ernie Beaton, Howard Wadden, Jim? my MacLeod, Angus iWacDougaii, Sid Gillard, Gordie Grant, Fred Courtney. Missing: "Post-Record" Angus i/lacDonald, Ricii Cormi? er, Don "ivioose" iViorrison, Dave iViarsh, & directors Wiily Mines & Johnny Read, & trainer Frank Maclnnis. Photo by Shedden. Bill Sidney (CONTINUED FROM BACK COVER) And of course, it's kind of history now. The team started to win then.... Crowds started to come out. Then we knocked off North Sydney (in the play-offs) and drew 29.000 fans for that series. Then we knocked off Syd? ney who were the league leaders that year, and drew 20-some-thousand to that series. Then went on to the Mar? itime (Junior "A" Championship) se? ries- -and won that. And then ended up playing the St. John Braves for the Eastern Canadian title. And on that (St. John) team there were some hell? ish good players. There was like Rousseau, and young Richard, and Art Maclntyre from Glace Bay and Ches Melski from Sydney, and Angie Carroll from Charlottetown played on that team--and they were a hell of a team that year. And they beat us out three games to two--a 5- game series in Glace Bay which sold out, tremendous crowds. (Now you have to take me back. That's the shorthand story. First of all. Glace Bay Miners--what kind of a team is this?) It's a Junior hockey team. Junior traditionally was where your players would graduate from to the big time. Like nearly all the good hockey players played a good class of Jun? ior. Today you'd have the Ontario Hockey League, the Western Hockey League, the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, and the Maritime Junior Hockey League. Most of the players (who) make the NHL are drawn from those teams. You know, as they get too old to play Jun? ior, then they graduate. Then they either become good enough to play in the NHL, or they send them to their farm clubs. Like, right now, the Cape Breton Oilers. The Cape Breton Oilers, probably this year-- without looking at their line-up--probably have got 4 or 5 Juniors who were real good last year, and they think they're good enough to step into pro ranks. But they're not good enough for the NHL. So they send
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