Page 15 - Our Uncle, Dan R. MacDonald From Talks with John Donald and John Allan Cameron
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1990/1/1 (292 reads)Page 14 - Our Uncle, Dan R. MacDonald From Talks with John Donald and John Allan Cameron
Page 16 - Our Uncle, Dan R. MacDonald From Talks with John Donald and John Allan Cameron
Miss Marie MacEachern's Reel • a Dan R. manuscript '''m. i>''W''y0'm { • ??'''Mm'uU'' H jiip "This tune is photographed from a Dan R. manuscript, one he wrote out for Alex Francis IMacKay. it was a favorite of Angus Chisholm, and has been played by many other fiddiers as weil. This is its first publication." • Paui Cranford getting royalties at that time. That was in his later years, of course. He did okay then.... John Allan: There was one day that Dan R. got a cheque for $2500. And he didn't understand. He said. "What's this for?" I said. "We played your music on national television, and made sure they were logged." And he still didn't understand why. I said. "Well, because every time something is played--and I make sure, Dan R.. that your tunes are in there, and we play X amount of Dan R. MacDonald tunes, because they're first-quality, they're good--and you'll make a few bucks." And Dan R. certainly needed--I mean. Dan R, was never rich. He was rich in so many ways. and if I could provide an avenue where he could make a few more dollars, that's fine. And I made sure that the royalties went to Dan R., and I included a lot of his tunes. John Donald: I think that he took his talent for--I don't know--perhaps for granted. I think in later years he realized that he did have a special talent, and that he wasn't taking it for granted. Because I remember him telling me once that--he was having a drink, and he told me once that when he's saying his prayers at night, before he goes to bed--he was good to pray, you know--he said he'd thank the Lord for giving him the ability to be able to come up with music that was some? what original. He knew it was a gift that not everybody had. And I thought that was --it showed some appreciation of what he had. And that was Dan R.... THE CAPE BRETON PEPSI LOPPET SERIES Cross-Country Recreational Skiing Events: • January 14 • Gold Rush Loppet • Ingonish Beach • January 21 • North Highlands Loppet • Cape North • January 28 • Clan Nordic Loppet • MacKinnon's Harbour • February 4 • Chetlcamp Classic • Chetlcamp February 11 • Ski Margaree Loppet • Margaree Valley - • February 28 • St. Peter's Loppet • St. Peter's Contact Tom Wilson * March 4 • Big Farm Classic • Big Baddeck ??fflarch 18 • Middle River Loppet • i/liddle River 295-3231 ( SKIERS: For 1990 Loppet Brochure, contact Victoria County Recreation Dept., P. O. Box 370, Baddeck, N. S. BOE 1B0 ) The Cape Breton Tourist Association Offers 100,000 Welcomes to All Visitors to Our Island You will find the hospitality truly outstanding while you visit with us. And we hope you will remember us kindly when you return to your homes. IF YOU THINK THE WINTER IS GREAT- /?atp??((m QOME SEE US NEXT SUMMER! Don Blackwood, Executive Director, Cape Breton Tourist Association, '''''' 20 Keltic Drive, "'''' Sydney River, Nova Scotia BIS 1P5 WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR PHONE 539-9876 Photo by Warren Gordon
Page 14 - Our Uncle, Dan R. MacDonald From Talks with John Donald and John Allan Cameron
Page 16 - Our Uncle, Dan R. MacDonald From Talks with John Donald and John Allan Cameron
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