Page 26 - From Breton Cove and Boston: Conversations with Josie Matheson Bredbury
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1991/1/1 (290 reads)Page 25 - From Breton Cove and Boston: Conversations with Josie Matheson Bredbury
Page 27 - From Breton Cove and Boston: Conversations with Josie Matheson Bredbury
(And then she went to Boston.) She went to Boston. And she said, "I'm not going to do that ever again." And she didn't. Except for a woman--I think she was from around here (in Cape Breton). Or she was a daughter of somebody that was living around here. Any? way, she lived in Maiden, Mass. And Annie was out in Walpole. And she got a phone call. Asking if she was the Annie Matheson from Breton Cove. And Annie said yes she was. She had gotten her name through--she took several months getting the name. But the woman, she asked her if she'd do it for her.... And Annie wasn't--she said, "I don't know. I never did that kind of thing at all." But oh, the woman was really crying. So Annie--we told Annie, "Why don't you--it won't hurt the woman. If it'll work, it'll be good. If it doesn't work, well...." Anyway, she did. She told the woman to come out. And she did do it. But the woman had cancer. It wasn't called cancer those days, you know. This was back in--Annie was married, so it must have been late '30s, way back then. That was the last that she ever did.... Probably there's people on the (North) Shore that could tell you better stories about that. Annie Matheson Treen. (That's extraordinary, the stories we hear about people who had some kind of power.) There's a lot. I think we all have power in our hands. If we only knew how to use it. I really do. Now, I've been told so many times my handshake--how strong my hands--now, I don't think anything of it. When I shake hands with a person--practi? cally everybody in the States that I ever shook hands with will say that. Even the doctor that we had--well, he brought the children into the world. Blake. And he used to come in. And he'd always shake hands with me--just to get my handshake. And I'd wonder, "What in the heck is he...? He was just in here yesterday morn? ing." So he'd come in, and he'd put his hand out, and I'd shake hands with him. (How old were you, going to Boston?) Oh, golly. I must have been around 20 or 21. I went, I was- Environmental Protection Begins At Home And it's everyone's responsibility. That's one reason we initiated an Environmental Awareness Program for our employees and woodlands contractors. This type of workshop program was the first of its kind in the Canadian pulp and paper industry. It informs participants about global environmental issues and forest management practices and shows what Stora is doing in these areas. Stora has become widely recognized for our intensive silviculture program which ensures abundant and healthy forests. We've been instrumental in developing logging methods that reduce ground disturbance and continue to invest millions of dollars for improved environmental performance. We know the steps we take today will help protect our environment for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. STORA' Stora Forest Industries Limited P.O. Box 59, Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, Canada BOE 2V0 call it "babysitting"-- 'newborn babies. Young J people having babies. And they wanted, when they'd come home from the hospital, want to have somebody to help them. So I used to go There were so many of them. I was with 52 newborn babies. I was with triplets for a whole year. (And when you say "with," this means that you did what?) I stayed in the home with them. And did everything-- just the babies. Feed? ing. (And the diapers.) Yeah. The whole thing. The mother would be there.... I'd get up at night, you know. She might be nursing the baby, or just giving the bottle. So whether it was a bottle, or her feeding the baby, at the 2 o'clock feeding I'd change the baby's diaper. And I'd take the bottle, if that's what they were doing. And even I'd go to Papa and Mama's room, and plunk the baby down to them. And Daddy'd turn around, you know.... So, they'd take the ba? by, and they'd feed the baby. That's the time
Page 25 - From Breton Cove and Boston: Conversations with Josie Matheson Bredbury
Page 27 - From Breton Cove and Boston: Conversations with Josie Matheson Bredbury
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