Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 60 > Page 19 - A Visit with Winston Ruck, Steelworker

Page 19 - A Visit with Winston Ruck, Steelworker

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/6/1 (328 reads)

know. It wasn't something that I thought about while I was in the service. It just didn't exist like that. You might not have got opportunity for promotion as rapidly as somebody who was a white, you know. You weren't getting that consideration, be? cause let's face it: the people who are there already are white, so they're going to pick people who are close to them, and so on and so forth.... Left: Winston and Joyce Ruck on their wedding day. Above, with two of their children, Mariene iviarie and Joyce IVIichele, shortly after Black Friday, 1967 England. Practiced in the United States, too. They were the top of the line in the labour movement, the brotherhood. They even had various discriminatory tactics within that. For example, if you were in the railroad and you were, let's say, a fireman. Well, you may go from fireman to driving. But you could never be a conduc? tor. The only body who could be a conduc? tor would be those who were on the foot? board. They could go from there to conductor. (Was the steel pi think?) Yes. Much the same. They did it very, very cov? ertly. But there were some areas where you knew that they didn't want you. For example, you knew you couldn't get a job in a machine shop, or the Electrical De? partment . The railroad-- railroad was a very discrimina? tory department. They had that old system where they believed that they were the elite of the working class. That came from ant the same way. do you So that was discriminatory. We had to FIRST ANNIVERSARY REPRESENTING MAZDA'S FULL LINE OF QUALITY CARS, TRUCKS, & VANS 1 HOWARD NARDOCCHIO • GENERAL MANAGER Ifs hard to believe that it has been a year since ISLAND MAZDA opened its doors. And what a year it has been. MAZDA CANADA is on the move and ISLAND MAZDA is on the move. Thank you, Cape Breton, for a wonderful year. tnaSZOB "IT JUST FEELS RIGHT'' Island 195 PRINCE ST. • SYDNEY, N.S. PH: 564-6668 -''''''' y'' Celebrating ' ww/}/ll/7} ( '' Years of Savings ' r TC/C/ICf/ V at our Sydney Rivery DEPARTMENT STORES X' LOCatiOn CAPE BRETON SHOPPING PLAZA - SYDNEY RIVER MAYFLOWER MALL ?? GRAND LAKE ROAD - SYDNEY PORT HAWKESBURY SHOPPING CENTRE WooIco will meet any local competitor's advertised prices* 'OTHERS SAY IT... WOOLCO GUARANTEES IT! Just bring In any Competitor's current Ad. If our price on the Identteal item isn't already as low, or lower than their advertised price we will immediately meet their prtee! We exclude gimmick promotions (Scratch & Save), & entire Department, entire Store percentage off Promotions. We reserve tlie right to limit quantities. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN 19
Cape Breton's Magazine
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