Page 33 - A Visit with Winston Ruck, Steelworker
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/6/1 (292 reads)were both Protestants and Catholics work? ing on that job. Although the Open Hearth itself was considered a bastion of Roman papacy! Winston laughs. So, this day in question I was sent down from the General Yard on a loan sheet--I mentioned loan sheets to you before--for work in the Open Hearth. I got down there. I was the senior man on the top of the list --the most seniority of that group--say it was 10 people. I went down. The loan sheet was given to Harry Martell, the labour su? pervisor that day. Harry is still talking about that today, because I talk to him frequently. So Harry took the loan sheet. I'm the top of the list, now. So, Harry started selecting people to go in various jobs. I knew all these jobs, and I knew the rate of money they paid. You understand. "Well," he said--three fellows--they're all white and I was the only black man.... This is a top job. Top job. So I was left there with two or three oth? er fellows. And he said to me, "You fel? lows get shovels and come on with me." I said, "Harry." So I sat down. I said, "Harry, where are we going?" "Oh," he said, "we're going to clean up something." I said, "Wait a minute, Harry." I said, "Not today. Not today." I said, "I'm top man. I'm the senior (over) all those other people. I have a right," I said, "to the job." So he said, "Okay, wait here." Took the other guys, and left me there by myself. Gone for about, I would say close to a half hour. I sat back, there in the shack by my? self, like this. And finally he came back. He said, "Okay, Winston. I was up from the floor, and I saw Jake." Jake was the gener? al foreman in the Open Hearth that morning --big job. And Jake knew me well. Jake used to work side by side with me. "I spoke to Jake," he said, "and to tell you to come on up on the furnace." I said. SALES ?? SERVICE ?? INSTALLATION Ja-P WELLS e PUMPS im • Water Wells: DrUled G Dug > • Pumps • Test Holes • Water Conditioners Serving Cape Breton SB42145 S T M O U N (Ucence No. 264) CALL FOR DETAILS "Good." I grabbed my lunch bag, and I went up to the furnace. And when I got there, I saw Jake. He said, "Hi, Winston, how're you doing?" He said, "Go on Number 4 fur? nace." I said, "Okay, Jake." I went and worked on Number 4 furnace with a fellow by the name of Angus MacDonald. He's since passed on. And I worked there with Angus that day. Angus treated me fine. I had no problem with Angus. But it was like as if something big was happening. Because everybody started look? ing in my direction. The other guys who were working on the other furnaces--they were fairly close by--they saw this change and they knew this is something new that's happening today. What's going on here? Now, mind you, I had a couple of good friends who were also on the furnace that day. And they were saying, well, if this was another turn--like say the 4 o'clock Leather Works by John C. Roberts Historic Reproductions Creative Handcrafts * MORE THAN LEATHER * INDIAN BROOK Open Daily 9 - 5 CAPE BRETON ISLAND BOC 1 HO J""? ''ru October Between Baddeck & ingonish On the Cabot Trail or by appointment (902)929-2414 DEPART SYDNEY 7:30 A.M. Go ACADIAN 4 TRIPS DAILY BETWEEN SYDNEY & HALIFAX TRIP 72 - Daily picl< ups in: NORTH SYDNEY. LITTLE BRAS D'OR, BIG HARBOUR, BADDECK, LITTLE NARROWS, WHYCOCOMAGH, PORT HASTINGS, PORT HAWKESBURY, & others (TRURO 1:15 P.M. VIA RAIL connection) IRIP64L- Daily picl< ups in: NORTH SYDNEY 11:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. (11:25 A.M.), BADDECK (12:15 P.M.), WHYCOCO- MAGH(12:45 P.M.), ANTIGONISH (2:00 P.M.) TRIP 54 - via St. Peter's - Picl< ups in: SYDNEY RIVER. 2:15 P.M. 9:50 P.M. BIG POND. ST. PETER'S. GRAND ANSE. CLEVELAND. PORT HAWKESBURY, & others TRIP 76 - Pick UPS in: NORTH SYDNEY. BADDECK. 6:00 P.M. 12:10 A.M. WHYCOCOMAGH, PORT HAWKESBURY (SUNDAY to FRIDAY only) (schedule Subject to ChangeJ CALL TOLL FREE1-454-9321 for further information • Same day service to most Maritime points ?? Collect shipments now accepted • Excess insurance available to $500.00 > "Priority Pak" our new 12"x16" waterproof envelope with a flat rate througliout the Maritimes • sold 10 to a package $50.50 (includes GST) GRAYLINE SIGHTSEEING TOURS June 1 - October 15 See Historic Halifax / Peggy's Cove We depart firoin most hotels for these tours. ACADIAN LINES LIMITED 6040 Almon Street, Halifax, N. S. B3K 5M1 33
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