Page 25 - From a Night at Bob Fitzgerald's
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1992/8/1 (265 reads)neer Thomas--old John McEvoy. he went to Neil's Harbour one time and he stayed a night with Ben. In Ben's shack in Neil's Harbour. And he said that he was a glad man to get out of there in the morning.... I heard my Uncle Stephen telling that. He said all night after they went to bed, Ben apparently was sleeping. But old Mr. Mc? Evoy said that there were people traipsing in and out, and banging the doors and coming in and going out the whole night. He said he didn't know what it was unless it was the devil that was going in and out all night. But he said old Ben slept away. It never bothered him at all. (Actual people...?) No. He said he couldn't see anybody. But he said the doors were banging open all night, peo? ple coming in. and he could hear them walk? ing around. in the house, and going out. And he said there was nobody to be seen, but he said it never bothered old Ben. TVust in our stars! **** GREAT FOOD rORTH STAR INNl NORTH SYDNEY < Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport - Gateway to Newfoundland Attention Travellers to Cape Breton & Newfoundland • 75 Rooms - Kings, Standards, • Indoor Pool and Whirlpool Suites • Kids free with parents - • Luxury Suite - Jaccuzzi Bath Seniors Discount • Harbour View - Air conditioned • Special day rates for ferry • Fishery Restaurant travellers • St. Pierre Rum Bar 100,000 WELCOMES AT THE BIG RED ROOF Located near the Tel.: (902) 794-8581 39 Forrest Street, Newfoundland Pa*-lonoi 7Qd.de9fl P.O. Box 157, Ferry and Northside '''' • "'' iVt-tOAO 'g'' Sydney, N.S. Industrial Park (Exit __ .,..,.??..- B2A 3M3 21, Highway 105) Now, the people in Neil's Harbour --many of the people in Neil's Harbour --those were stories that my Uncle Stephen, I' ve heard him talk about. and many of the old peo? ple. My father. Oh, they'd get together, like I say, and you'd hear them telling those stories about Ben Shears. Now the men from Neil's Harbour al? ways claimed that Ben would go in the woods to cut a handsleigh load of wood. And they would swear by all was good and holy that they could hear Ben where he was cutting the load of wood, and there were two ax? es going. There'd be somebody else chopping with him. There was nobody in there with him. But they said there was somebody else working with him. And it must have been the dev il. Bob laughs. Whether it was or not, that was it. They said the old fellow with the crooked foot used to work with Ben Shears, whatever he was doing. But Ben left. Ben disappeared from Neil's Harbour. And to my knowl? edge. I have never heard what hap? pened to him. I ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE Ncrtti Sydney Mall 116 King St., North Sydney, Nova Scotia B2A 3R7 Ph. (902)794-4703,794-4704 OVER 25 SHOPS AND SERVICES TO FILL ALL YOUR NEEDS 1 iAtn ??' " 'i -i-ifp ITh #r 1 MAI 1 f 1 1 |-".jiii5i 'lj'l''??ln.?,.?.>,??.t??-cc- • ??.:U
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