Page 48 - Dr. A.W. Miller: Notes from a Medical Practice Down North, 1906
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/8/1 (219 reads)Page 47 - Dr. A.W. Miller: Notes from a Medical Practice Down North, 1906
Page 49 - Dr. A.W. Miller: Notes from a Medical Practice Down North, 1906
the flask after helping himself, he ex? claimed, "Dr. Miller, you may come here in the day or in the night, in storm or in sun? shine, and all you'll have to do is to let me know and I will do the rest." I passed over the flask to him as a reward for his good will. And he was as good as his word. On several occasions later I came to his ferry and he was always most kind and con? siderate. (Editor's Note: The ferryman was undoubtedly Torquil MacLean of Englishtown. See Cape Breton's Magazine Issue 2.) "The Inn with the View" '' "DiAi' Cove Irm. Leaving him, I kept plodding along the road on the North Shore and arrived at the foot of Smokey in a downpour of rain, just at dark. Smokey at that time was a name to make the bravest shudder. Knowing that the horse's eyesight was better than mine, I re? mained seated in the sleigh and allowed the horse to navigate the hill as best he could. Well, about 8 p.m. I arrived at South In? gonish and called upon a firm friend of mine--Father LeBlanc. After partaking of a hearty supper, I drove to North Bay to the place I was supposed to meet the messen? ger. None had arrived. Waited two hours, and then concluded the patient had died and no messenger would come. Returned to Father LeBlanc's. On the Cabot Trail Nova Scotia, Canada BOE 2B0 Phone (902) 23S-2658 Fax 235-2592 Air Conditioned Dining Room featuring fresh seafoods H and nome cooKing Ideal vacation on Cape Breton! Relaxed atmosphere We swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Next morning, however, about 11 a.m. the messenger arrived. He had an ordinary wood sleigh. No wraps of any kind. Tied my bags to the stakes of the sleigh and seating myself on a beam, we got underway. We had not proceeded much over a couple miles when the old horse became dead lame. He was twenty-eight years old. The driver in? formed me that if we could get two or three miles farther, we might be able to hire a horse. None were available. The best I could do was to send back to South Bay for my own horse. Our Service Bay Diagnostic System always tells the tmth. SBDS hooks right up to your vehicle so that you and your mechanic both know exactly what's wrong. Quickly and accurately. SBDS also provides a detailed print-out of the problem. So all you find on your bill is the truth. Butthetrui WE SERVICE ANY FORD OR MERCURY CAR OR TRUCK. AND WE DO IT FASTER THAN ANYONE! 'm'''H''BIB th doesn't have to hurt. WE MADE THIS $40,000.00 INVESTMENT SO THAT WE CAN FIX IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. WE HAVE A FLEET OF 12 LOAN VEHICLES THAT YOU CAN RESERVE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. PLAZA LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD. 33 TERMINAL ROAD SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA 567-1616 It was 5 p.m. before we got started from North Bay. It had rained considerably the night before and froze just sufficient to bear up a horse, if he walked, but at the least attempt at a trot, down he would go. Well, we walked the horse for ten miles over the mountain till we finally came to the Half Way House kept by a Mr. McPherson. Ordered supper for our? selves and a feed for the horse. While supper was be? ing prepared, Mr. McPherson found out I was a doctor and might probably remain in the North for a time. Asking for the bill, he re? fused to render any. I pro? tested. But he said, "There are two classes of people from whom I will not accept money--clergymen and doc? tors. We find it hard enough to get them here, and the least we can do when we have them is to treat them decently so that they may stay for a while with us." And on many occasions af? terwards, I had meals for myself and feed for the
Page 47 - Dr. A.W. Miller: Notes from a Medical Practice Down North, 1906
Page 49 - Dr. A.W. Miller: Notes from a Medical Practice Down North, 1906
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