Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 69 > Page 68 - The Great Aspy Landslide: A Letter from Down North

Page 68 - The Great Aspy Landslide: A Letter from Down North

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1995/8/1 (262 reads)

who typed the entire manuscript and continues to remind Hilda of the value of her work. Hilda is the author of two published books: My Book of Memories and Picking up the Pieces. Read? ers will remember our visit with Hilda in Issue 54. IN MEMORIAM MLECZKO: In loving memory of my dear hus? band, Henry, who passed away Aug. 29, 1991. Death is nothing at all-- You have only slipped away, into the next room. Whatever we were to each other, we still are: I call you by your old familiar name. And I speak of you in the same easy way I always did. I still laugh at the little jokes we enjoyed together. When I think of you I smile, and I pray for you. Life means all that it has ever meant. It is the same as it always was. Why should you be out of my mind, because you are out of my sight? You are waiting for me, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well, nothing is past, and nothing has been lost. One brief moment, and we will be, as we were before, only better--infinitely happier, and we will be one--together forever. Thank you, darling, years! Hilda. for 46 wonderful The Great Aspy Landslide. A Letter from Down North We've had good response to our search for memories of the Great Aspy Landslide (see Issue 68). No one claims to have heard it or any story about it • not yet. But here's one wonderful letter about the Landslide area, that is worth the search! by Norman Courtney (Sam's son-in-law) who nailed one of the arms to make it secure. If you are ever passing by this spot, look sharply and you will see the cross against the sky. After 90 years in a crack in a rock. Dingwall, July 1995 ' bit of history! Dear Sir: I have just finished reading about "The Great Aspy Landslide." I was bom and raised on the Macdonald farm, owned by Archie Macdonald (my grandfather) and sons. My grandfather was bom in 1863 and lived all his life on this farm, right opposite the mountain in question. He related many stories about his life and important events, but never anything about a slide in 1904. No doubt, there was a slide at some time, but much farther back in time. My uncle Rev. Donald MacDonald wrote a book titled "Cape North and Vicinity," completed in 1933, and he was quite old at that time; he makes no mention of such a happen? ing. For sure, the slide is very real. I picked cranberries and blueberries on the top of where the shde landed. My grandfa? ther died in 1941. Here is a bit of history about this mountain. My granduncle Murdock MacDonald lived on the farm right at the foot of this mountain, across the river from his brother Archie (my grand? father). In 1905 he climbed the mountain to just about the 400 m elevation. There he found a limb of a tree which resembled a cross, and he drove it down in a crevice of a rock. And it is there to this day, can be plainly seen from the farm now owned by Kenneth MacKinnon. In the late 1940's my father Sam Macdonald (nephew of Murdock) climbed to the cross and placed a mirror on it. This was interesting • it would reflect so brilliant in the sun. The last repair that I am aware of was done Sincerely, Effie Courtney (Granddaughter of Archie Macdonald) BIHTERNUT EASTERN BAKERIES LTD. Complete Range of Quality Bakery Products for Retail Restaurant & Food Service 564-4531 1-800-565-4532 FAX 564-1288 JOHNSTONE STREET • SYDNEY WAYNE MacDONALD - SALES MGR. 68
Cape Breton's Magazine
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