Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 70 > Page 7 - A Visit with Frank Landry, 91. of Isle Madame

Page 7 - A Visit with Frank Landry, 91. of Isle Madame

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1 (245 reads)

make a few dollars farming for somebody else. They'd plant potatoes, you know. All kinds of stuff. I had a little farm. It wasn't a big farm, it was a help. I used to grow my own vege? tables. I (have) worked in three homes. The first home I had after my mother died --my father died at 58, my mother died at 64, and I was left with six younger than me. So I was planting potatoes, I had a garden. The last time that I worked at home I had a hundred bushels of turnips. You know how much I was getting? One dol? lar a bushel. Fifty pounds. And you go to a store now and you pay about eighty cents for a turnip. But you know, a dollar was a dollar at that time. You know, years ago when I was a kid--you know what happened? You go to a dance now with a twenty or a twenty-five dollar bill, you go to a dance with a girl-- that's what it cost you. About twenty dol? lars. In my times you would go to a dance with a dollar bill. That was it. No liquor at that time. You wouldn't have been able, for cripes sake, to buy that. You weren't making the money. There was an old lady we used to go and vis? it at night sometimes. We were, you know, young girls and young boys and we'd go there and visit. She used to like us to get the crowd, you know. She was a nice lady. We used to play tricks on her, but not tricks to get her in the hole or anything, you know. She used to make fudge. Well, we'd go there. And sometimes, well, we'd treat the girls with fudge--a cent apiece. Well, sometimes you'd spend ten cents in a night. If somebody was spending twenty-five cents they must have been from the States! That's a fact, years ago. I'm not telling you any fib at all, so help me, I'm telling you the whole truth there. (And you used to drive a taxi here, is that right?) Well, I wasn't making much money on that. There was no money. Before we had pavement here, a car would only last you Above: family photo of Gladys, Frank, and three children. Be? low: Gladys and Frank with their daughter, Sister Annette, when she was a novice at Trois Rivieres. one year--take the bottom out. Because when it used to come in the spring of the year, sometimes you'd fall and you'd hang up--the wheels would go down (in the mud and) then you'd hang up in the middle. Tear the whole damn thing out. You had to raise the car, put chains on in the mud. I've done that. Chains in the mud to get out. You know you had to raise with a jack in the back. Put rocks underneath to lift it. Sometimes you'd tear the muffler off or something. You'd lose the bottom of your car. (Were you tearing them up in the spring every year?) Oh, you had to. If you were called to go and take somebody at the sta? tion or some damn thing, you had to go, that's all. You'll go whether thick or Ot Serving Those with a Hearing Problem Since 1961 • "There is no substitute for experience" arion HEARING AID CENTRE LTD. HEARING INSTRUMENT SPECIALISTS AUDIOLOGIST 173 ESPLANADE - SYDNEY • 539-5881 125 MAIN ST - GLACE BAY • 849-8656 IF NO ANSWER CALL 539-5881 TOLL FREE 1-800-565-5881 • David Moffatt, B.Sc, M.Sc, Aud.(C), Audiologist • Coady Marsh, B.Sc, B.I., P.Eng., BC-HIS • Glenn Basso, B.BA, H.I.S. • Dianne MacLean, B.A., BC-HIS fRS. Hearing & Speech Clinics If you have a pre? scription or a rec? ommendation from a Hearing & Speech Clinic, we will be happy to serve you. We have served thousands who have come through clin? ics and physicians. Workers' Compensation for Hearing Loss When you receive your letter from Workers' Compensa? tion Board (WCB), take it to OTARION and we will look after it from there. We are familiar with them, and know what to do. War Veterans Your DVA Taps cards are accepted. Being an RCAF veteran, Coady is al? ways pleased to see you, whether you need hearing service or not. 35 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE
Cape Breton's Magazine
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