Page 9 - With Ida Mauger of Cap La Ronde
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1 (317 reads)We loved to hook, you know. And I'll tell you, we used to have hooking sprees, too. Some of my friends would come in and help me hook. If I didn't think they were doing it right, I wouldn't invite them back the second time, let me tell you.... Different people hooking on that mat--you could tell, you know. I can tell. (So when you'd have a hooking spree, that didn't mean everybody did their own mat.) No, no, they would come and do a little bit on my mat. I didn't have them very often, no, I didn't. I preferred to do my own hooking. They used to take pity on me and say, "You'll never finish that mat. It's going to take too long to make." But I did it. (I hooked this one, called the "Century Mat") in 184 hours. I got the burlap--the burlap is the foundation of the mat--! saw it advertised in the Chatelaine magazine. If you notice, there's 1867 on one end and 1967 on the other. And I wrote to them and asked them to send me a stamped copy of the Century Mat, and to send the proper colours that I should put in this mat. Because you see--all these things signify something. There's all the different prov? inces of Canada, (their) emblems and the flowers. I did the mat. And it was taken away by a friend of mine to an exhibition up in Tatamagouche. And didn't it win first prize. And I was pretty happy about that. But all these others here, I got them--! can't do the stamping. I'm not that smart, to stamp a mat! But anyway, I bought them already stamped, and I put my own colours. Do you like the colours? (Oh, very much.) I think they're pretty. And then the lit? tle mat with the basket of flowers, too, all the different little flowers. I used to love so much to hook. I could do it yet if I had my--I have arthritis through me. Suppliers of Commercial Recreational Fencing p. O. Box 98, King St., North Sydney, N. S. B2A 3M1 794-4773 HAVE OUR AUGER TRUCK DIG YOUR HOLES." Ot Serving Those with a Hearing Problem Since 1961 • "There is no substitute for experience" arion HEARING AID CENTRE LTD. Shearing instrument specialists audiologist 173 ESPLANADE - SYDNEY • 539-5881 17 COMMERCIAL ST - GLACE BAY • 849-8656 IF NO ANSWER CALL 539-5881 TOLL FREE 1-800-56&5881 • David Moffatt, B.Sc, M.Sc, Aud.(C), Audiologist • Coady Marsh, B.Sc, B.I., P.Eng., B.BA, BC-HIS • Glenn Basso, B.BA, H.I.S. • Dianne MacLean, B.A., BC-HIS fN.S. Hearing & Speech Clinics If you have a pre? scription or a rec? ommendation from a Hearing & Speech Clinic, we will be happy to serve you. We have served thousands who have come through clin? ics and physicians. Workers' Compensation for Hearing Loss When you receive your letter from Workers' Compensa? tion Board (WCB), take it to OTARION and we will look after it from there. We are familiar with them, and know what to do. War Veterans YourDVATaps cards are accepted. Being an RCAF veteran, Coady is al? ways pleased to see you, whether you need hearing service or not. 1961-1996 35 YEARS OF excellence
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