Page 14 - The Drowning of Murdoch MacDonald
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/12/1 (355 reads)(John Severance) and--there was another Ferguson was with him, from Malquish--he stayed on the oars with him and he stayed there for four hours. And he couldn't take it any longer and he gave up. And John Severance, he stayed for seven hours--he was seven hours on the oars. And this vessel was coming down from Hali? fax. Was Capt. Ormiston from Louisbourg, from Gabarus, on her, that owned the ves? sel. And his nephew, the young fellow, was up on watch. I don't know where they were having supper or something, in the eve? ning. But he saw this thing in the water. You know, he had a big beard, like your? self. And he ran down and he told his un? cle: he said he saw a queer bird in the water. So they ran with the vessel back up, put a boat out, and they saw it was a man. They hauled him in, was John Sever? ance, and they took him in here and landed him with a boat here at Fourchu. Hot? Cold? Wet? (Not in here.) 794-4703 But any? how , they never--no trace of it. Bod? ies never came ashore. But that winter there was a sweater came ashore. It was Msfern Trust in our stars! • • • * GREAT FOOD NORTH STAR INN NORTH SYDNEY capebreton Nova Scotia's Friendly Seaport • Gateway to Newfoundland Travellers to Cape Breton: "Unpack Once' Centrally Located to Most Attractions • 74 Rooms - Kings, Standards, • Fishery Restaurant and Suites • St. Pierre Rum Bar • Luxury Suite - Jacuzzi Bath • Indoor Pool and Whirlpool • Harbour View - Air conditioned • Kids free with parents • Seniors Discount Tel: (902) 794-8581 39 Forrest street, Fax:(902)794-4628 '?,Z''i, 1-800-561-8585 (Atlantic) J identified as your great-uncle's, I guess. He'd be your great-uncle, would he? (My great-grandfather.) Your great-grand? father, yeah, Murdoch. That came ashore up around Framboise Cove somewheres, later. But that's the only thing.... (John Sever? ance) got another boat after that, anyhow, and he was fishing again. But after that he was out one day. And he was anchored before daylight in the morning. He used to go there to fishing pretty early in the morning. He'd go out around two o'clock. And most of the time then they had to row out because there was no wind in the morning to sail. They had no engines in those days, so. They were anchored on a ground off here somewheres, out what we call "the shoal of the bank" or out in that area there some? wheres. And after awhile they saw this ves? sel coming down and refused to swing. The two lights'd come together and then they'd open up, you know. So they were watching her, and I guess they didn't want to haul the anchor up if they could help it. So when they saw that she was too close to get away from her--they saw that she was going to hit. He told the two men was with him, he said, "Before she hits you," he said, "jump up and grab the chains." Going up to the bowsprit, you know. So they did, and they went right on aboard (the vessel that struck them). And a young fellow was at the wheel, and I guess they scared the devil...! He saw these three bearded men coming over the bow! {Laughs.) Never even knew he hit the boat. So they lost her, anyhow. So they put him aboard of another fisherman here. And when he got in here, he went horseback to North Sydney. He asked the captain where he was COIVIMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL G. Landry's Vacuum Service Ltd* ?? SEPTIC SYSTEMS CLEANED INSTALLED & REPAIRED ?? BACKHOE BULLDOZER RENTAL ?? PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS SERVICE Front Lake Rd. Sydney 564-8413 ?? / SERVING ALL OF CAPE BRETON '- Midway Motors Ltd. Now with Two Locations: HEAD OFFICE 'W NEW OFFICE Middle River wS Port Hastings 295-2290 "' 625-3641 We've Been CHRYSLER Since 192 6 14
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