Page 7 - With George Prosser of Whitney Pier
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1 (851 reads)ty dollars and all the gear she give it away to one or the other. She got some money for it. We had to have four hundred dollars to get through (Canadian) immigra? tion when I come over here in '39. And the fella with the immigration office, he was a Newfoundlander, kind of a relation one way or the other, I don't know what side. His name was Strickland. Pretty good guy. He said, "Don't you go to the city and look for relief, because if you do you'll be deported back to Newfoundland." So I (had) come over and I joined the Indies boat and I stayed on her right up until the war started. I was on her for over a year, and I had the wife over (in Cape Breton) then. I was starting to get a few dollars in so I bought an old house and repaired it. Got going pretty good. Like I say, there was no family allowance or nothing. I never got I nothing like that for my kids. I reared them up on itiy own. (So, you eventu? ally ended up in Sydney.) 1939. The family come over on the Car? ibou {one of the Newfoundland ferries). Strickland made arrangements so the wife and the kids stayed on the boat. And they brought her over here (to Whitney Pier) Craft QUILTS OLD & NEW POTTERY '1 PEWTER XnOri COUNTRY CRAFTS KJM.M.X'' SOUVENIRS ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES • Open Daily, mid-May thru October • On the OLD CABOT TRAIL • Route 312 1 km. NORTH of ENGLISHTOWN FERRY and the luggage she had and everything, landed ashore here. The ferry dropped them off down at the coal piers, where the coal piers is now. Dropped off down there. A friend of mine, (Blandford) Wells, he was a linesman • he took the luggage into the shack he had there. But I never got home. I was up in Montreal at the time. You couldn't get off the ships, you know. Times were bad. If you had a job you had to stick to it. So I had to stay. And I left home, like I say, around June, swordfishing time, and I never saw the wife until the next June. 1939. That was whole year down south. Chile. We were on a coastal boat then. Chile was our run. We would haul down nitrate. The war was just gdDout ready to start and they chartered us. Three boats, sis ter ships, down in Chile. I made six trips through the Pana I'ORTH SHORF . ' fishermen's ' , pTo'u?s Boat Races v Crab Dnner • Festival ] at LITTLE RIVER HARBOUR ' August 20-21,19991 POKER RUN-BREAKFAST ' i CORN-ON-THE-COB • FLEA IVIARKET • BAR> "KISS-THE-FISH" CONTEST sponsored by the GIANT MacASKILL museum & GIFT SHOP CLOTHING FURNITURE PHOTOGRAPHS INFORMATION OPEN: 7 Days a Week • 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 2.5 km. from ENGLISHTOWN FERRY on Route 312 | . St. Ann's Bay, the Gem of Victoria County!
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