Page 27 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/6/1 (276 reads)Page 26 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
Page 28 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
Agus thionndaidh e ris an t-Seabhaig Chrom, Liath agus thuirt e, **Gheobh thusa biadh air talamh agus gu h-ard os do chionn, agus bheir mi dhuits' an da roinn a tha 'seo. Agus," ors' esan, "cha'n eil aj.g a' Chu Chiar bhochd ach na theid a shi'eadh dha, agus tha mi a' toirt dha-san tri roinnean.** Agus sin mar a bh'ann. 0, bha an cu fuathasach taingeil mar a chaidh aji gnothach a lionadh agus thuirt e, "Ma bhios feum agad air luthas mo chasan? sa gu brach foghnaidh dhuit cuimhneachadh ormsa agus thig mi 'gad chuideachadh.** "Agus mise,*' ors' an t-Seabhag Chrom Liath, "mar an ceudna; ma bhios feum agad air lu? thas mo sgeithe agus air spionnadh mo spuir, smaointichidh tu ormsa agus thig mi.** **Tha mis',** ors' an Dobhran Donn, **air an doigh cheudna. Ma bhios feum agad air mo luas 's air mo neart-sa, air uachdar an talmhainn neo fo'n uisge, foghnaidh dhuit smaointinn orm agus thig mi.** Co-dhiubh dh' fhalbh Iain air a thurus agus fada neo goirid an t-astar gu'n deachaidh e thainig e gu aite righ. 'Nuair a chaidh e suas gu ait a righ c'uir e failt' air a righ agus chuir an righ failt air. Dh' to seek his fortune. Long or short as his journey was, he reached a place where there were three beasts quarrelling and battling over some food that they had. And who was there but the Dusky Hound, the Dun Otter and the Grey, Hooked Hawk. He went up to them and asked them what ivas going on here, and they made him un? derstand that they could not eat their food until someone had divided it for them. The lad began dividing up the food, and he gave a share of the food to the Dun Otter saying, **You can find food on land and sea, and-under the water, so I'll give you this share.** Then he turned to the Grey, Hooked Hawk with these words: **You can find food on the ground and high up above you, so I'll give you the two shares I have here? But," he said, ??*the poor Dusky Hound can only get what's extended to him, so I'll give him three shares.** And so it was. The hound awfully thankful for the way in which that task had been performed and he said, **If you should ever need the quick? ness of my feet it will be enough to re? member me and I will come to your aid.** The Grey, Hooked Hawk said likewise, **If )' on Trans-Canada Hwy.' 5 miles west of Baddeck • Heated Swimming Pool • Laundromat - Camper's Store • Playground - Hot Showers • Hookups - Canoeing • Seafood Chowder House BADDECK - CABOT TRAIL KAMPGROUND MR. TIRE LTD. 267 Prince Street Sydney The Radial Tire People Specializing in .BEGoodrich, MICHELIN and the World Famous Bandag Re-treading Fully Equipped Mobil Unit mcmi 539-5670 THE eOTTAGE STUDIO QUILTS, HAND-WEAVING OIL PAINTINGS OF LOCAL SCENES Located in Bras d'Or Off Highway 105 where the view is magnificent Cards for All Occasions The Card Shoppe Sydney Shopping Centre ''' scbooneR For a truly memorable dining experience X' cocktails and imported wines ' soothing piano music and C' the unique atmosphere of an ?' of an historic schooner, ''- Dine aboard the old wooden schooner, '' **Marion Elizabeth** in Margaree Harbour4LJI Licensed Dining Room, seafood special- 7'1 ties, and Stephanie May at the piano. 'Jl Visit adjoining Sealladh Breagh FC. Gift Shop and Museum '' Return to Dickens' England and the Old ' Curiosity Shop • antiques, handcrafts, • -' tartans, sweaters, jewelry, toys, mo? hair clothing, tapestry weave coats* Scottish Pipe Music At the bridge in Margaree Harbour on the Cabot Trail# John and Stephanie May Propriators PHONE 235-2317 Ctpe Breton's Magaziii'/a? t
Page 26 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
Page 28 - Joe MacNeil tells a Wonderful Story: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
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