Page 80 - Allan MacLeod: Stories and Gaelic Songs
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1 (291 reads)it didn't look sensible to somebody, he made a song about it! (Did they make them for serious things, too?) Not really. More or less just a sto? ry, a funny story or something. This MacPherson fellow--he made one about some girl in French Road that he used to go with. I guess her father didn't like him or whatever. He got her eventually • but I think he just went and they kind of eloped once he got her out of there. And he made a good song about that though. Supposed to have the gun after him. But be? fore he got the gun up, he was gone over Thomas's Trail with her, took her across the woods. (The gtin) tells us the story about it. But he did it, though. It was a CAPE BRETON /: GLASS"y// '-, / 19 MITCHELL PL. f SYDNEY, NS BIP ITS / PHONE 562-2817 • FAX 564-9889 Serving All of Cape Breton 24- HOUR COMMERCIAL EMERGENCY SERVICE true story. He did that. But I can't think of suiy more of the song. HSy father knew it all. He'd be singing the song emd telling us the story as each verse went on. But he said it was a true story. He said. I don't remember the song. I should know more of it, but I just can't get them to come back. It was a good song. It was well put to? gether, that one. But it was a true song. He was my father's buddy • they were good buddies. But he did that, he took her, and the old fellow went one way or the other. She had a stiff leg, anyway. I know there's that much in it. I don't know how they got along after that! {Laughs.) But stuff like that, see. See, there was always something like that going on. They were making songs. But still they were all mixed together, I mean, they'd get out singing them. It didn't matter if it was about you or who • you'd be singing it with them, anyway, at the end of it. The odd fellow'd get kind of wild for a while.... See, I don't remember any of the songs be? cause, at that time • I was only a kid then. But this other old fellow--he was wild at (Neil MacLennan). He lived alone • well, he more or less lived just all over • Sandy MacNeil was his name. He just stayed wher? ever it got dark. If there was a house Brotherhood Economics: Women and Co? operatives in Nova Scotia, by % Rusty Neal *! 0-920336-65-5 217pp, illus. $17.95 pb McCurdy and the Silver Dart, % by Les Harding 0-920336-69-8 125pp, illus. $12.95 pb Simply, more fine books from UCCB Press UCCB PRESS PO. BOX 5300, Sydney, NS B1P6L2 Phone: (902) 563-1604 Fax: (902)563-1177 Available from UCCB and local Bookstores, Goose Lane and General Distribution Services
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