Page 33 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1977/8/1 (389 reads)Page 32 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
Page 34 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
e an coinneamh na b'ist' ach ma bha cath ann am feasgar roimhe sin aig ridire an eich dhuibh *s ann a bha an cath aig an fhear seo. Agus bha cath ann a* sin a bha fuilteach gus an robh a' ghrian a' dol fodha ach ghearr e 'n ceann bhllrr na b'ist' agus sios a ghabh i 's cha robh a nisd oirr* ach an aona-cheann. Co-dhiubh ghabh esan air druim an eich 's cha robh an corr sealladh aice-se dhe co-dhiubh • s e an t-athar a thog e neo an talamh a shluig e cha robh fhios cll'n deach e. Dh'fhalbh e co-dhiubh. Agus bha an gad air an robh a* cheud cheann, bha 'n ceann eil* air a chur air cbmhla ris agus bha sin aice. Thog i fhein agus an gaisgeach a bha 'm falach orra dhachaidh agus bha na cinn aige-san air a' ghad agus rainig e shuas • neo-ar-thaing nach robh e bbsdail am oidhche sin! Bha i gus a bhi air a s'abhaladh co-dhiubh ach bha aice ri dhol air feasgar eile sios. Co-dhiubh dh'fhalbh i air an fheasgar sin agus bha esan am falach mar a b'abhaist an cul tom neo 'n aite choir- eiginn agus tha mi cinnteach gu robh seorsa de dh'eagal air ma chunnaic e a' bheist a thainig co-dhiubh. Ach bha ise ann an deagh-dhochas air an fheasgar seo gu'n tigeadh cuideachadh agus ann an ceann tiotadh thug i suil agus chunnaic i CONTINUED NEXT PAGE can be awakened. If you begin shaking me and calling to me, and it does not waken me, cut the tip from the end of my little finger and that will waken me." Anyway, then the monster appeared, rising up, it still had two of its heads. It ap? peared, rising and coming in to land and she began to waken the knight, but he could not be aroused. But she thought of what he had said to her, so she cut off the tip of his little finger and he leapt to his feet. He drew his sword and out he rushed to meet the monster. But if the knight with the black horse had had a battle the evening before, this one really had a struggle on his hands. They fought a bloody battle until sunset, but he cut a head from the monster and down it fled with only one head. So the knight mounted the horse, and whether it was the heavens that raised him or the earth that swal? lowed .him she did not have another glimpse of him and did not know where he had gone. He just vanished. As for the withe where the first head was, the second head was strung there alongside it and she had them there. She and the warrior who had been hiding set out for home. He had the heads on the withe when he arrived there and wasn't he boastful that night! She was about to be saved anyway, but she CONTINUED NEXT PAGE LOUISBOURG MARINE ADVENTURES LOBSTER KETTLE Whaffside Restaurant ?? Steamed Clams, Boiled Lobsters, Chowdet i BOAT TOURS and SCUBA CHARTERS Havenside Road * Louisbourg, Nova Scotia * Phone 733-2877 ' ffiffflMiH on Trans-Canada Hwy. 5 miles west of Baddeck • Heated Swimming Pool • Laundromat - Camper's Store • Playground - Hot Showers • Hookups - Canoeing • Seafood Chowder House BADDECK - CABOT TRAIL KAMPGROUND MR. TIRE LTD. 267 Prince Street Sydney The Radial Tire People Specializing in ''' l.'.ININII'l and the World Famous Bandag Re-treading IT CENTRALS. NOWA SCOTIA TRUST COMRANY is now called CENTRAL&EASTERN; TRUST COMR'NY Sane Quality Service under a New Nane 225 Charlotte St., Sfdney* 539-9210 BRIAND'S CAB Fully Equipped Mobil Unit mONB: 539-5670 Cape Breton TOURS visit Fortress Louisbourg . Graham Bell Museum Miners Museum Gaelic College see the beautiful CABOT TRAIL 564-6161 564-6162
Page 32 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
Page 34 - Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story-conclusion: Iain Mac An Iasgair Mhoir
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