Page 25 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/8/1 (286 reads)Page 24 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"
Page 26 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"
Chaidh sinn air tir am measg nam faoileag- an agus thug sinn ar n-aghaidh air a' bheinn. Bha rathad beag, caol, cam a' dol suas ri aodann na beinneadh. Bha sinn a' deanamh cho math 's a dh'fhaodamaid ged a bha an creutair a bha cbmhla riumsa gle dhuilich a choimhead oirre leis cho cam, carrach, grannda, mi-chneasda 's a bha i, agus mise ann an duthaich air m'aineol. Bha mi ann an iomadh 'ite a b'fhearr learn a bhith aig an am na far na robh mi, ach cha deanadh e feum tilleadh. Chum sinn ceum suas ri aodann na beinneadh. Nuair a bha sinn mu leitheach na beinneadh chunna mise rudeiginn a' gluasad air cul craoibhe agus air a' mhionaid choisich Cu Seang na Coill' Uaine amach m'ar coinneamh. Bha an Cti Seang fad-chasach, fad-chluasach, geur-shuileach agus gle sheang 'na chom mar gu bitheadh snathlainn-siachaidh. Choimhead e oirnn ann an clar an aodainn. Chuir Corra Chriostag a lamh 'na pbca agus shin i dha silean peasrach. Thug e leis 'sin air a theanga agus chaidh e a null a dh'ionnsaidh an t-sruthlaig uisge agus ghabh e deoch. Thionndaidh e mun cuairt agus thuirt e, "Thanaig sibh mu dheireadh. 'S iomadh latha bha mise a' feitheamh air- son cuideiginn a thigeadh an rathad airson ma dh'fhaoidte a dheanamh cuideachadh leam. Innsibh dhomhsa ceann-fath ur turus dha'n Choill' Uaine." Dh'innis Corra Chriostag dha a h-uile car mar a dh'eirich amach: gu feumadh i anam an fhamhair fhaighinn agus nach robh fios aice c'aite robh Eilean an Fhamhair air neo an deanadh e cuideachadh sam bith dhuinn. "Ni mi sin," thuirt Cu Seang na Coill' Uaine. "Tha fios agamsa c'aite bheil Eil? ean an Fhamhair. Falbhaidh mise comhla whether he (the Lean Hound) would give us any help at all. "I'll do that," said the Lean Hound of the Green Wood. "I know where the Island of the Giant is and I'll go there with you. If I catch sight of the wether, I'll make him go into the rock so that we can see how he does it. Let us go." The Lean Hound never once took his eye off Corra Chrios? tag the whole time. We went back down until we reached the shore. When we arrived at the boat, the lads were waiting for us. The Lean Hound stopped and gave a loud whistle, and in an instant there was a big, black seagull standing beside him. "You come along with me," said the Lean Hound, and we all got into the boat and went out to board the ship. "I'll take the tiller," said the Lean Hound. "Let the lads keep every yard of sail raised and we won't take long to reach the Island of the Giant." One dark, sultry evening, with black clouds over us and no sight of sim, moon or stars, the Lean Hound said, "Lower the sails and put out the auichor. We will wait here for nightfall, and then we'll go a- shore." And so we did. When the night grew dark, we went ashore and the Lean Hound said, "Follow me and we'll climb up to the top of the rock." We did as he told us, and we made our way up taking great care that we did not fall. We spent the whole night concealed under a AtournewloGation on Vulcan Avenue Ghaixi BeoUners Oloreos Schwartz MR. TIRE LTD. 267 Ptince Street Sydney The Radial Tire People specializing in ''' i.'.n.i'Nii.'i and the World Famous Bandag Re-treading Fully Equipped Mobil Unit IBOMBs 539''70
Page 24 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"
Page 26 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"
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