Back Cover - New Englanders Take Louisbourg, 1745
ISSUE : Issue 19
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/6/1
New Englanders Take Louisbourg, 1745 French soldiers at the Fortress of Louisbourg National Park. (Photo by Jocelyne Marchand The first siege of Louisbourg in 1745 had its immediate origins in the events of the previous year. On 18 March 1744, France had declared war on Britain and in early May this news reached Louisbourg. This gave the French an advantage as the Eng? lish colonies still did not know war had been declared. Bofton Evening-Poft. qgonDap, July 8. I 7 4T" X BOSTON. 's ihe Surrender of the City of Louisburgh or' Cape Breton, is at prtfent the SuhjeSf of mojl Converfations, we hope the following Draught will be accepta? ble to our Readers, as it may ftrve to give them an Idea of tbe Situation and Strength of the Place, and render tbe News from thence more Intelligible. (I.) The Iflind Battrry, at the Harboar's Mouth. 28 Gunj, . Pounders. {iS The Town North Eall Battery, 18 Four pounder% on two faces. (} ) Three FUnks, with two Guns each, eighteen pounders. (4) A fmill Battery of Eight Guns, Nine Pounderi. (5.) Demi Lune, or Circular Battery, of 16 Guns, 14 pounders. (6.) The Magazine. (7 j The Fort or Citidel, fortified diftinftly from the Town, in which the GoreTBor lived. {8.) Three Fafcinc Batteries, e.efted by our People againft the Wrft Gate, Ut. > fo ) The Grand Battery, of 36 Guns. 42 pounders, right .igainft the Harbour'J Mouth, Uc. {10 ) A Falcioe flattery ccftcd by the EngU/b near the Light Houfc, cp;ts
Cape Breton's Magazine