Home / Guide to Cape Breton's Magazine / Preface




IN the autumn of 1972 Ron Caplan, an American who had discovered the charms of Cape Breton, established Cape Breton's Magazine, partly because he thought the island's unique character, history and folklore should be preserved but also partly - as he cheerfully admits - because he had to find a way to make a living that would enable him to remain here. We should all - not just Cape Bretoners, but students of history, anthropology, folklore,and music - be profoundly grateful that he made the effort and that it was successful.


Cape Breton's Magazine published seventy-four issues, somewhat irregularly and in a unique idiosyncratic format, from November 1972 to June 1999.


Here is the first complete Index and Finding Aid to all issues of Cape Breton's Magazine, from volume 1(November 1972) to volume 74 (June 1999). It is organized into three parts. The first is an alphabetical listing of authors; the second is also an alphabetical listing of authors but arranged by volume; and the third is an alphabetical subject index. By utilizing these three pathways into the magazine, the reader should be able to find any author, article or subject for which he/she may be searching. The names of illustrators and interviewers are not indexed.


A note on abbreviations. The names of months are abbreviated in what it is hoped is a logical fashion. Thus, January is Ja and June is Je, while March is Ma and May is My. Other abbreviations are: bc for back cover, fc for front cover, ibc for inside back cover, and ifc for inside front cover.


Brian Tennyson

Sandra Atwell

Cape Breton's Magazine
