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Subject Index





- folk music, 63:37-52

- history, 48:59-64

- traditions, 10:1-6; 18:32-48

African Canadians, 60:11-34; 18:1-6.

Airplanes, 43:47-56; 55:69-88. Cf Flight.

Alder Point, 20:1-15

Angelus, 64:1-16

Anglicans. See Religion - Anglicans.

Annexation, 27:33-42

Antiques, 5:1-2, ibc

Apples, 4:14-15

Aquaculture, 41:30-41

Architecture, 48:69-74

Ariadne, 2:16-18

Arichat, 26:13-18

Arichat West, 65:47-55;31:ifc, 68, ibc; 67:ifc, 24-30

Artists, 2:3-5; 8:18-21;17:20-2; 26:ifc, 38-9; 30:23-30; 32:ifc, 47-8, ibc, bc; 32:ifc, 47-8, ibc, bc;34:bc; 43:ifc, 69-72; 45:17-25; 56: ifc, 44-7; 59:29-32; 60:69-78; 62:53-61. CfRugs.

Aspy,13:1-8; 14:19-26

Aspy Bay, 19:15-20

Aspy landslide, 68:31-2; 69:68

Astraea, 11:28-32; 20:38

Aucoin, Gerald L, 16:38-42

Auguste, 18:10-17

Auras, 10:ifc, 29-32

Axes, 1:5-7


Baddeck, 31:15-21; 47:1-20; 66:53-62

- history, 42:25-31

Baddeck Bay, 20:ifc, 31-5

Badger, 13:20-2

Bagpipes, 47: ifc, 63-5;50:ifc, 83-91; 73:29- 45

- history, 52:37-52

Baldwin, Casey, 21:bc, 22-8

Baleine, 43:47-56

Ballah, MJ, 48:75-95

Bartlett, George, 43:1-16

Basque Islands, 1:2, 15-19, 24

Bay St Lawrence, 55:1-26; 62:17-26

Bears, 74:35-7

Beaver, 15:13-15, 22; 43:67-9

Beckett, George Alfred, 42:53-62

Beer - spruce, 8:4

Beinn Bhiorach, 74:50

Beinn Breagh, 58:80-7; 40:55-8

Belfry, 74:51-62

Bell, Alexander Graham,5:3-8; 21:bc, 22-8; 40:55-8; 58:80-7

Bell, Mabel, 19:47

Ben Eoin, 39:ifc, 31-2

Ben Verick, 63:32-6

Big Bras d'Or, 32:32-3

Big Harbour Island, 66:1-12, 63-9

Big Lorraine, 59:33-42

Big Pond, 27:22-7

Bird Islands, 26:41-7; 26:48-52, ibc

Birds, 3:12; 26:48-52, ibc;31:bc, 40-5; 49:35- 43

Bishops. See Religion - Catholics.

Blackett's Lake, 55:27-32

Boat building (model), 8:18-21

Boat launching, 25:23-5

Bogs, 12:9-13

Boisdale, 15:8-12

Bones - playing, 9:18-20



Bennett, Margaret. The last stronghold, 56:48-50

Cameron, Silver Donald.The education of Everett Richardson, 20:37

Dunlay, KE & DL Reich. Traditional Celtic
fiddle music of Cape Breton
, 44:55-7

Eber, Dorothy. Genius at work: images of Alexander Graham Bell, 32:45

Fergusson, Donald A. Beyond the Hebrides, 19:40

Fraser, Dawn. Echoes from labor's war, 20:37

Fraser, S. The airs and melodies peculiar to the Highlands of Scotland and the Isles, 32:44-5

MacDonald, Keith Norman.The Skye collection, 32:44-5

MacDonald, W James (ed). Patterson's history of Victoria County, 20:36

MacKinnon, Christy. Silentobserver, 64: ifc, 20-2

Schneider, Aaron. Wild honey, 74:37

Stanley, Laurie. The well-watered garden, 34:35

Tennyson, Brian. CapeBreton - a bibliography, 19:41

Whitehead, Ruth Holmes.Micmac quillwork, 33:40


Boston, 56:17-28; 57:35-50

Boularderie, Antoine Poupet de la, 56:29-32

Boularderie Island, 20:17-21; 69:21-36

- Ross Ferry, 54:ifc, 50-1

Boutilier, Albert, 50:63-77

Boxing, 57:1-14, 89-104; 72:47-50

Bras d'Or Lake, 15:31-2; 44:70-5

Breton Cove, 20:1-15; 56:17-28

Brickmaking, 18:29-31

Britain - Colonial Office, 51:60-2

British Columbia, 57:35-50

Broughton, 46:21-7

Burke, Lillian, 19:47

Butterflies, 19:21-7


Cabot, John, 70:53-62

Cabot Trail, 62:ifc, 66-70

Cameron, Silver Donald,72:39-40

Canada Winter Games,44:1-15, 79-96

Cancer, 7:24; 9:13

Canoes, 10:bc, 6-12

- journey, 44:70-5

Canso, 5:9-11; 42:64-6

- Causeway, 25:49-52; 25:39-48

- Strait of, 17:46-8; 20:22-8

Cap La Ronde, 71:1-10, 78-88

Cape Breton

- history, 38:bc, 26-36;38:22-5, 47-50; 39:33-53; 48:59-64; 62:63-5

- impressions, 51:49-57; 54:52-8; 53:34-9

- social conditions 1925, 38:22-5, 47-50

- tartan, 56:ifc, 44-7

Cape Breton Coal, Iron &Railway Company, 46:21-7

Cape Breton Electric Company, 24:1-8

Cape Breton Flying Club, 55:69-88

Cape Breton highlands, 63:32-6

Cape Breton Highlands National Park, 73:ifc, 46; 71:38-41; 43:17-29; 69:1-20

Cape Breton Summertime Review, 68:1-12, 69-92

Cape Breton's Magazine, 61:71-7

- index to issues 1-50, 50:53-62

Cape North, 66:73-96

Caplan, Ron, 61:71-7

Carding & spinning, 2:8-10

Caribou, 10:23-8; 46:bc, 37-49

Cartier, Jacques, 32:22-7

Catalone, 74:bc, 78-86

Cean groppi, 8:12-13

Celtic traditions, 2:ifc, 11; 5:20-3

Chameau, 57:69-82

Chandeleur, 10:1-6

Cheese, 9:14-17

Chenoo, 26:40

Cheticamp, 1:13, 22; 5:1-2,ibc; 19:42-7; 35:47-52; 57:67-8;74:38; 46:50-3; 54:39- 49; 14:4-9; 65:9-16;3:ifc; 66:ifc, 70-2

- coast, 26:19-34

- gypsum mines, 24:28-33

Cheticamp Island, 32:1-13, 27

Chimney Corner, 60:41-4

Chisholm, Archie Neil, 61:27-9

Chow - green tomato, 1:11

Chronicle-Herald, 61:1-18

Church, Ambrose F, 50:78-82

Churches, 54:ifc, 50-1; 69:55-6

- Calvin Presbyterian Church(Loch Lomond), 69-55-6

- Knox Presbyterian (RossFerry), 54:ifc, 50- 1

- South Head (Anglican), 57:ifc, 52-5

Citizens' Service League(Glace Bay), 55:33- 40

Clearances. See Highland clearances.

Cleveland, 33:41-7; 60:55-9

Clyburn Valley, 49:1-20; 67:31-48; 74:35-7

Co-ops - housing, 73:62-4

- lobster factories, 20:1-15

- movement, 16:6-12; 32:1-13, 27

Coady, Rev Moses, 34:32

Coal miners, 46:54-7; 74:ifc, 75

- wives, 25:1-8

Coal mining, 41:1-15; 48:ifc, 65-8; 71:68-70

- boy labour, 48:ifrc, 65-8

- company stores, 3:3-6, 24

- draegermen, 31:47-67;35:31-7; 36:56-63; 62:1-14

- explosions, 21:1-11;26:35-7; 63:81-2; 70:63-74; 71:29-37

- horses, 32:36-43

- inspectors, 70:63-74

- labour unrest, 62:15-16

- photographs, 32:ifc, 47-8, ibc, bc

- strikes, 22:1-16

- technology, 42:17-24

- towns, 37:27-39; 44:bc, 58-64; 46:21-7

Coal piers, 44:25-46

Coastal Courier, 61:1-18

Coastal defences, 13:27-40; 14:33-9

Cockfighting, 55:53-65

Codfish, 13:56-63

Coleman, Michael, 57:83-8

Company houses & stores. See Coal mining.

Convicts, 72:13-19

Cougar, 2:19

Cranberries, 1:ifc, 23

Cremo, Lee, 1:3-4, 24

Crime, 65:73-84

Crosscut saws, 7:8-9

Currie, Sheldon, 69:ifc, 58-62; 73:25-7

Customs officers, 34:37-9, 41-8

Dancing, 51:37-48

Davis, William, 60:45-54

Dennistown, 70:37-52

DesBarres, JFW, 38:bc, 26-36

Dingwall, 44:77-8

Diving, 59:49-60

Doctors, 39:1-17; 40:13-26;64:47-52; 66:ifc, 70-2

Dolomite. See Mining - dolomite.

Dominion Iron & SteelCompany. See Steel plant.

Dominion Steel Corporation. See Steel plant.'Donald from Bras d'Or', 39:19-22

Dorcas, 66:41-52

DOSCO miner, 42:17-24

'Down north', 32:27

Draegermen. See Coal mining.

Drokes, 59:71

Drowning - Murdock MacDonald, 71:11-19

Dump carts, 11:22-5


Eagles, 6:bc, 18-20; 31:bc, 40-5

Earthquakes (1929), 50:27-34; 67:56-8

East Bay, 39:ifc, 31-2

Economic development,16:6-12; 21:29-35; 33:28-32; 40:27-30; 62:ifc, 66-70

Edinburgh Ladies' Association, 73:66-9

Education, 20:17-21; 54:39-49; 65:47-55

Emigration, 38:1-15;40:1-11; 42:1-11; 47:1- 20; 48:35-58; 53:27-33; 61:41-6; 61:78-83; 62:71-2;66:73-96; 69:21-36

Englishtown, 41:30-41

- ferry, 2:6-7, 20-1

Enon, 48:1-13

Environmental movement, 53:21-6

Eskasoni, 38:ifc, 51-6

Etta Stewart, 66:41-52

Evangelists, 71:21-7

Evanston, 49:55-72

Evil eye, 5:19

Exorcism, 30:15-18

Explorers, 18:22-5; 32:22-7

Explosions. See Coal mining.

Extrasensory perception, 8:26-32; 9:ifc

Eyestones, 4:23

Fairy Hole, 53:bc, 20

Famine, 58:55-62

Farming, 4:14-15; 18:7-9;35:1-11; 36:1-17; 41:1-15; 47:68-84; 48:1-13; 50:35-52; 50:99-116; 58:55-62;65:1-8, 59-67

- vehicles, 11:22-5

Fear, 67:13-16

Fences, 31:ifc, 68, ibc

Fenians, 22:30-6

Ferriers, 22:ifc, 46-8, ibc

Ferries, 2:6-7, 20-1; 8:1-3;10:23-8; 20:22-8; 46:bc, 37-49; 65:ifc, 56-8; 73:1-8, 99-108; 74:39-49

Festival of the Strait, 59:17-21

Fiddle music. See Music -fiddle.

Films, 72:ifc, 53

Fires, 29:15-21

First World War, 33:1-9,11-15, 17-27; 34:1- 20; 35:21-9; 35:47-52; 45:72-9

Fiset, Rev, 59:65-70

Fishers - wives, 47:51-3

Fishing, 4:1-4; 8:5-11;13:56-63; 29:1-14; 36:64-72; 43:73-80; 44:20-4; 49:55-72; 50:99-116; 53:18-20;54:59-69; 59:65-70; 62:37-44; 71:ifc, 42; 72:35-8; 74:1-10, 87- 100

- gaspereaux, 14:4-9

- lobster, 23:40-1, 45-9

- mackerel, 17:1-7; 47:39-44

- salmon, 26:1-12; 28:25-9

- smelt, 40:67-72, ibc

- tuna, 47:39-44; 56:63-78


- merchants, 44:20-4

- plants, 59:65-70; 69:69-88

- processing, 34:ifc, 31-4

Fitzgerald, Winston 'Scottie', 54:81-100

Flight, 41:60-2; 43:47-56; 55:69-88. Cf Kites.

Flint Island, 45:44-52

Flowers, 1:ifc, 23; 36:45-8

Folk art, 62:53-61

Folklore, 51:63-4; 52:23-35; 65:33-9

- Acadian, 30:1-14;51:37-48; 56:1-8, 79-92

- Celtic, 5:19

Folk mapping, 44:16-19

Folk medicine, 7:18-24;9:13; 24:ifc, 34-7; 27:ifc, 32; 35:ifc, 20; 35:ifc, 20; 41:ifc, 63- 4; 46:63-79

Folk music. See Music - folk.

Folktales, 27:ifc, 32;28:17-23; 28:39-41; 42:33-40; 46:63-79; 49:ifc, 48; 50:ifc, 83- 91; 53:ifc,40-4; 68:17-29; 69:53-4, 56; 74:23-4

- Acadian, 3:ifc, 18; 4:15-18;7:ifc; 11:ifc, 26-7; 16:38-42; 20:39-47; 25:26-30; 27:28-31; 29:29-34;33:33-9; 39:55-61; 55:66-8; 57:67-8; 68:65-8; 64:59-66; 61:31-40; 70:77-82

- Gaelic, 1:10; 4:1, 12-13;5:20-3; 10:13-16; 12:ifc, 19-21; 13:ifc, 18-19; 14:ifc, 40; 16:24-32; 17:30-9;19:31; 21:13-15, 17-21; 22:30-6; 23:18-32; 36:ifc, 49-53; 42:67-79 43:41-6;45:39-43; 47:45-50; 51:58-9; 54:33-8; 63:76-80; 65:1-8, 59-67; 66:25- 34;67:80-96

- Mi'kmaq, 3:10-11, 18;5:24; 9:31-2; 11:19-21; 12:22-4; 13:20-2; 19:ifc, 14; 26:40; 28:37-8;34:27-30; 36:43-4; 38:ifc, 51-6; 41:60-2; 43:67-9; 53:bc, 20 56:61-2

Forerunners, 9:21-5; 12:1-8; 51:63-4

Forest Glen, 42:1-11

Fortune-telling, 13:9-11

Foster, Rev PR, 71:21-7

Four County Development Association, 25:31-8

Fourchu-Framboise coast, 31:1-3, 5-13; 74:51-62

Foxes, 73:ifc, 46

Fraser, Rev John, 59:43-8

Frenchvale, 73:29-45

Fur trade, 31:23-35

Gabarus, 40:1-11; 62:37-44; 70:53-62

- Lake, 74:51-62


- Folktales. See Folktales - Gaelic.


- language, 1:8-10

- precenting, 27:45-8, ibc

Games - Mi'kmaq, 6:9-12

Gardening, 3:7-9; 63:17-31; 72:51-2;

Genealogy - Scottish, 16:ifc

General Instruments, 49:73-96; 50:1-26


- Clyburn Valley, 67:31-48

- history, 62:27-36

George's River, 18:29-31; 42:ifc, 80

GJ Troop, 20:29-30

Glace Bay, 12:25-31; 25:1-8;32:ifc, 47-8, ibc, bc; 54:bc, 18-32; 55:33-40; 61:1-18; 68:41-60; 69:63-8

- Iron Foundry, 12:25-31

- Miners, 51:bc, 65-92

Glendale, 45:59-71

Glendyer Mills, 12:14-18

Glengarry mineral spring, 57:60; 28:ifc, 31-5

Gluskap, 5:24; 9:31-2; 53:bc, 20

Godparents, 60:35-40

Gold Brook, 30:41-8

Gold mining, 30:41-8

Grand Anse, 60:65-9

Grand River - history, 17:24-9

Grand Narrows bridge,23:15-17; 65:ifc, 56-8

Grandmere, 46:bc, 37-49

Grant, Lizzie Bell, 56:ifc, 44-7

Great Falls, 8:22-4

Gypsum. See Mining - gypsum.


Halifax explosion, 34:7-12

Hanging, 65:73-84

Hart, John, 15:16-21

Hay trucks, 11:22-5

Heirloom gardens, 63:17-31

Herbs, 72:51-2

Heron, 17:ifc, 40-2

Hess, William, 59:29-32

Highland clearances, 46:29-36

Hiking trails, 4:7-9; 74:50

Hobos, 15:ifc

Hockey - Glace Bay, 51:bc, 65-92

Holland, Jerry, 55:68

Holland, Samuel, 33:28-32

Home children, 67:1-12, 61-70

Homeville, 54:15-17

Hong Kong, 47:21-38; 62:73-88

Hooking. See Rugs.

Horses, 64:17-20; 71:75-7

- shoeing, 22:ifc, 46-8, ibc

- racing, 19:15-20; 45:1-16, 80-92

Hospitals, 40:13-26


- log, 48:69-74

- moving, 35:13-19

Howie-Armstrong family, 65:41-6

Hughie and Allan, 63:1-16, 83-100

Humour, 51:ifc, 30-6;51:58-9; 63:1-16, 83- 100; 66:1-12, 63-9

- Acadian, 23:ifc, 37-9

Hurry On, 58:70-9

Hydrofoils, 21:bc, 22-8

Ice cutting & storage, 5:9-11

Ice skates, 3:1-2, 20-2

Icebergs, 39:63-70

Icebreakers, 45:26-38

Iceland II, 31:5-10

Immigration, 18:1-6; 38:37-45; 41:48-54; 45:17-25;50:35-52; 60:ifc; 61:bc, 50-4; 67:1-12, 61-70

- Dutch, 50:35-52

- Irish, 72:13-19

- Italian, 53:69-88; 74:25-34

- Jewish, 35:39-46;57:15-28; 59:21-8, 81- 92; 66:13-24; 35:39-46

- Polish, 35:39-46; 36:34-9

Indian Brook, 8:22-4

Indian Point Island, 17:46-8

Ingonish, 34:21-6; 34:ifc, 31-4; 43:17-29; 62:17-26

- Beach, 36:64-72

- Island, 14:13-14

Inns - Grand Anse, 60:65-9

Inverness, 12:1-8; 72:47-59

- County, 4:14-15

Iona, 57:60-7; 58:33-6

- ferry, 65:ifc, 56-8

Iona Rear, 59:1-16

Ironville, 67:17-23

Isle Madame, 70:1-8, 83-96; 71:1-10, 78-88


Janvrin Island bridge, 67:56-8

Jehovah's Witnesses, 24:9-14

Jersey fishermen, 71:1-10, 78-88

John Harvey, 31:8-9

John Lauchlin, 19:28-30

Judique, 58:70-9

Judique Flyer, 19:1-13


Kismet II, 70:19-36

Kites, 5:3-8

Kolonia, 57:29-34

Korea, 67:71-8


Labour, 46:54-7; 74:ifc, 75

- leaders, 71:68-70

- organization, 45:ifc, 53-8

- poetry, 45:72-9; 62:15-16; 64:53-8

- regulation, 23:33-6

- unions, 72:1-12, 79-96

- Cf Coal mining.

Lambs - skinning, 6:13-15

Landslides, 68:31-2; 69:68

Larrigans, 4:17-22

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 59:43-8

Leather, 4:17-22

Le Brun, George, 30:15-18

Lejeune, Henriette, 37:41-53

Little Lorraine, 11:28-32

Little River, 47:39-44

Livestock - butchering, 36:1-17

Lobsters, 7:10-14; 8:16-17; 33:53, 55-60

- factories, 20:1-15

- fishing, 23:40-1, 45-9

- sales, 33:53, 55-60

Local government, 37:27-39

Logs. See Woods - working in.

Long Island, 39:74-84

Louisbourg, 8:5-11;21:29-35; 36:18-29; 36:31-3; 44:ifc, 53-4; 50:27-34; 57:69-82; 65:72;66:41-52; 72:35-8

- (1745), 19:bc, 32-9; 41:55-9; 64:1-16; 68:13-16

- (1750), 67:49-55

- restoration, 12:25-31; 34:49-60; 36:18-29

Louisdale, 58:30-1

Love stories, 60:1-10,79-96; 62:63-5; 69:63- 8; 73:47-8, 50-9, 61

Lumber trade, 41:1-15

Lynx, 2:1-2, 22-4


Mabou, 38:37-45

- Harbour, 38:1-15

- Highlands, 74:50

- Mountain, 46:ifc, 59-62

- West, 68:17-29; 73:11-24

MacAskill, Angus (Giant), 72:41-6

MacAskill, George Ewan, 58:63-8

MacAskill's Mountain, 70:ifc

MacCuaig brothers, 67:59-60

MacDonald, Allen the Ridge, 38:37-45

MacDonald, Dan R, 53:1-18

MacDonald, Rev Hector, 38:17-21

MacDonald, Howie, 55:68; 58:32

MacDonald, Murdock, 71:11-19

MacIsaac, Ashley, 72:21-33

MacKay, Dan, 45:ifc, 53-8

MacKay, Isabella Gordon, 73:66-9

MacKenzie, Carl, 58:32

MacKenzie, Duncan, 26:12

Mackerel, 47:39-44

MacKinnon, 'Burnt' John, 47:ifc, 63-5

MacKinnon, Rory, 65:33-9

MacLeod, John, 67:56-8

MacMillan, Annie Armstrong, 65:41-6

MacNamara's Island, 17:46-8

MacPherson children, 44:77-8

MacPherson, Rev Donald, 70:75

MacPherson, Dr John, 7:24; 9:13

MacRae, Duncan 'Korea', 67:71-8

MacRae family reunion (1917), 51:1-13

Mail delivery, 16:43-8; 62:17-26

Main-a-Dieu, 11:28-32; 20:1-15; 72:13-19

Maps, 50:78-82

Marble Mountain, 22:bc, 24-9

Margaree, 30:fc, ifc, 31-5; 71:21-7

- North East, 18:18-21

- River, 26:1-11; 28:25-9

- South West, 14:4-9

- Valley, 45:17-25; 73:79-98

Marion Bridge, 24:9-14

Marshall Frank, 31:10-13

Martell family, 45:44-52

McDonald, Wilmot, 65:33-9

McGrath, Norman, 65:33-9

McLennan, Katharine, 34:bc

McNeil, Laura, 65:33-9

McPherson, Catherine - inn, 60:65-9

McPherson, Flora, 1:11-12

Meadow Road, 35:1-11

Meat Cove, 4:7-9

Meteorites, 22:17-21

Mikado, 31:1-3, 5


- archaeology, 14:13-14

- baskets, 2:3-5

- birch bark canoes, 10:bc, 6-12

- chants, 25:9-12

- copper pots, 24:15-17, 19, 21-7

- diet, 21:36-7

- European impact, 31:23-35

- family history, 64:23-42

- fiddle music, 1:3-4, 24

- First World War, 35:21-9

- games, 6:9-12

- godparents, 60:35-40

- Grand Chief, 71:63-7

- Grand Council, 40:45-8

- hieroglyphics, 47:55-61

- history, 14:10-14; 50:92-8

- legends, 3:10-11, 18; 11:19-21

- lifestyles, 16:33-7; 24:15-17, 19, 21-7

- missionaries, 8:14-15;16:33-7; 28:bc, 30; 41:24-9

- poets, 72:20

- recollections, 35:21-9

- residential schools, 63:53-8

- ruggedness, 23:12-14

- St Ann's mission, 40:31-43

- tales, 51:15-29; 52:53-65

Miles, Johnny, 59:ifc, 75-80

Military - Sydney harbour,14:27-40; 14:33-9

Milling frolics, 21:39-46

Mine explosions. See Coal mining.

Mine rescue teams. See Coal mining.

Mining, 8:5-11

- dolomite, 42:ifc, 80

- gypsum, 36:45-8

- plaster, 15:1-7; 24:28-33

Mira River, 17:43-5

Mira train wreck, 68:62-4

Missionaries, 8:14-15;16:33-7; 28:bc, 30; 31:23-35; 41:24-9; 42:64-6; 49:49-54; 55:41-7; 56:51-9;62:73-88; 67:71-8; 73:66-9

Missions. See Mi'kmaq.

Mogans, 1:22, 24

Moonshine, 14:1-3

Moose, 10:17-22; 61:ifc, 47-9; 70:ifc

Morien Head, 16:13-17

Moths, 19:21-7

Muggah, ES, 58:ifc, 53-4

Multiculturalism, 1:9; 18:1-6

Munro, Alexander, 20:17-21

Murder trials, 65:73-84

Music, 1:3-4, 24; 5:1-2,ibc; 7:15-17; 9:18- 20; 20:39-47; 21:ifc, 38; 23:1-11; 25:9- 12; 38:17-21;38:37-45; 39:ifc, 31-2; 40:59-66; 41:16-23; 41:42-6; 42:33-40; 43:31-40;45:59-71; 47:65-7; 48:75-95; 49:bc, 21-34; 50:63-77; 51:ifc, 30-6; 39:19-22;51:37-8; 52:37-52; 53:1-18; 54:81-100; 55:1-26; 55:68; 57:83-8; 58:32;58:63-8; 63:81-2; 65:23-32; 68:1-12, 69- 92; 71:28; 72:21-33; 73:29-45; 73:72-7;74:bc, 78-86

- Acadian, 63:37-52; 73:72-7; 49:44-7

- fiddle, 1:3-4, 24;29:35-48, ibc; 39:bc, 71- 3; 40:59-66; 41:42-6; 42:33-40; 45:59-71; 46:1-20;48;15-33; 50:63-77; 53:1-18; 54:81-100; 55:68; 57;83-8; 58:32; 62:50-1;65:23-32; 71:28; 72:21-33. Cf Mi'kmaq - fiddle music.

- folk, 41:16-23

- instruments, 56:33-43

- religious, 73:72-7

- Cf bagpipes


Neil's Harbour, 2:16-18;39:1-17; 40:13-26; 64:47-52; 71:ifc, 42

New England, 19:bc, 32-9; 21:29-35

New Harris, 32:32-3

New Zealand. See Waipu.

New Waterford, 57:15-28; 60:45-54

- mine explosion. SeeCoal mining.

Newspapers - reporters, 61:1-18

Nicknames, 60:ifc

North Mountain, 52:36

North River, 7:1-7; 40:67-72, ibc

- Bridge, 46:63-79; 51:1-13

North Shore, 21:39-46

North Sydney, 18:ifc, 26-7;20:29-30; 34:37- 9, 41-8; 72:59-71, 73-8

Nursing, 7:18-24; 30:19-22;31:15-21; 34:1- 17, bc; 68:41-60


Oidhche na calluinn, 2:ifc, 11

Open hearth. See steel plant.

Oranges, 3:ifc

Oxen, 67:ifc, 24-30


Paper boat race, 59:17-21

Patrick Morris, 74:39-49

Pelican, 55:48-52

Penney, Phil, 42:53-62

Pepperrell, Sir William, 19:bc, 32-9

Permanencia, 18:ifc, 26-7

Petit-de-Grat, 44:47-51

Photography, 32:ifc, 47-8,ibc, bc; 58:1-12, 88-96

Pilots, 6:1-4, 21-4, bc

Pirates, 17:43-5

Plaster quarry (St Ann's), 15:1-7

Plays (Beatrice MacNeil), 39:23-30

Pleasant Bay, 16:1-5; 66:ifc, 70-2

- fire, 29:15-21

Poaching, 28:25-9

Poetry, 3:12; 38:37-45;44:77-8; 45:72-9; 58:70-9; 59:33-42; 59:61-4; 62:15-16; 62:62; 64:53-8; 65:1-8,59-67; 65:ifc, 56-8; 66:53-62; 68:ifc, 39; 68:30; 70:16-17; 70:37-52; 70:63-74;72:20; 74:11-22

Poirierville, 68:65-8

Polish community - Glace Bay, 54:bc, 18-32


- Port Hawkesbury, 25:ifc; 22:37-45

- Sydney, 58:ifc, 53-4

Port Hawkesbury, 25:ifc;22:37-45

- Marine Railway, 22:37-45

- pulp mill, 25:31-8; 53:18-20

Port Hood, 15:16-21;26:35-7; 71:68-70; 70:75

Port Morien, 57:ifc, 52-5

Porter, Rev William Y, 57:ifc, 52-5

Post-Record, 61:1-18

Presbyterians. See Religion - Presbyterians.

Priests. See Religion - Catholics.

Pringle's Mountain, 63:59-73


Quarries. See Mining.

Quilting, 45:17-25


Rabbits (snaring), 74:38

Radio broadcasting, 64:75-92

Railways, 15:ifc; 19:1-13;23:15-17; 28:1-15; 29:22-6; 46:21-7; 68:62-4

- accidents, 37:21-6

Rankin, John Morris, 55:68

Rear Beaver Cove, 44:bc, 58-64

Reid, RG, 23:15-17

Reiteach, 5:20-3

Religion, 24:9-14; 57:67-8;69:37-52; 70:16- 17; 73:72-7. Cf churches, evangelists.

- Anglicans, 57:ifc, 52-5

- Catholics, 8:14-15;15:8-12; 16:33-7; 28:bc, 30; 38:17-21; 41:24-9; 45:59-71; 59:1-16; 59:43-8; 62:73-88; 67:17-23; 70:75. Bishop Plessis, 55:41-7; 56:51-9. Cf Coady,Moses & Tompkins, Jimmy.

- Presbyterians, 13:bc,23-6; 27:45-8, ibc; 42:41-51; 49:49-54; 64:68-74; 66:35-40; 73:66-9; 69-55-6. CfMcLeod, Rev Norman.

Reserve Mines, 14:1-3;55:69-88; 16:6-12; 73:62-4

Resources, 51:60-2

Richmond County, 65:47-55

River Denys, 67:59-60

Roads, 63:32-6

- Richmond County, 60:65-9

Rock climbing, 71:38-41

Roman Catholics. See Religion - Catholics.


- making, 1:1, 20-1

- splicing, 3:22-3

Ross ferry, 8:1-3

Ross, Granny, 37:41-53

Royal commission on relations of labour and capital, 46:54-7

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 34:21-6

Rugs, 3:13-15; 19:42-8

Rum running, 11:1-18; 34:21-6


Sailing, 39:63-70; 51:49-57;60:55-9; 71:43-8


- farming, 41:30-41

- guides, 26:1-11

- poaching, 28:25-9

Scarecrows, 62:53-61

Scatari Island, 14:27-32

Seals, 1:2, 15-19, 24

- hunting, 9:bc, 26-30;44:ifc, 53-4; 46:50-3

Sea Riders, The, 72:ifc, 53; 72:53-8

Sea serpents, 32:28-32

Second sight, 8:26-32; 9:ifc

Second World War, 10:23-8;13:27-49; 14:33- 9; 37:1-14; 37:15-20; 46:bc, 37-49; 47:21- 38; 53:69-88;54:bc, 18-32; 62:73-88; 68:ifc, 39; 72:59-71, 73-8, 11-24

Separatism, 27:33-42

Sharks, 60:61-4

Ships - Angelus, 64:1-16; Ariadne,2:16- 18; Aspy, 13:1-8; 14:19-26; Astraea, 11:28-32; 20:38; Auguste,18:10-17; Caribou, 10:23-8; 46:bc, 37-49; Chameau, 57:69-82; Dorcas,66:41-52; Etta Stewart, 66:41-52; GJ Troop, 20:29-30; Grandmere,46:bc, 37-49; Hurry On, 58:70-9; Iceland II, 31:5-10; JohnHarvey, 31:8-9; John Lauchlin, 19:28-30; Kismet II, 70:19-36;Marshall Frank, 31:10-13; Mikado, 31:1-3, 5; Patrick Morris,74:39- 49; Pelican, 55:48-52; Permanencia, 18:ifc, 26-7; TwoFriends, 65:68-72; Vandora, 71:43-8; Watford, 16:13-17; Wyton,26:19-34. Cf Ferries, Ship building, Shipping, submarines, Tugboats, UnitedStates Navy.

Ship building, 17:43-5; 18:ifc, 26-7

Shipping, 6:1-4, 21-4, bc

- (Bras d'Or), 15:23-32

- coastal, 13:1-8; 14:19-26;38:57-65; 45:26- 38; 55:48-52; 65:9-16; 73:1-8, 99-108

Shipwrecks, 2:16-18;11:28-32; 16:13-17; 18:10-17; 20:29-30; 20:38; 26:19-34; 31:1-3, 5-13;41:55-9; 42:64-6; 58:70-9; 64:1-16; 65:68-72; 66:41-52; 68:62-4; 70:19-36;74:39-49;

Shubenacadie residential school, 63:53-8

Siberian expedition, 34:7-12

Skates, 3:1-2, 20-2

Slaven, George, 58:ifc, 53-4

Smelt Brook, 50:99-116

Smith, Red Dan, 71:72-4

Smithville, 41:48-54

Smoking, 5:ifc

Snow ploughing. See Winter - travel.

Snowshoes, 2:12-15

Sorcery, 1:13, 22; 30:1-14

Spinning, 22:22-3

Sports, 44:1-15, 79-96

Springhill mine explosion, 71:29-37

Spruce beer, 8:4

St Ann's, 1:11-12; 13:bc,23-6; 15:1-7; 28:bc, 30; 41:24-9; 64:68-74; 66:35-40; 71:43-8; 74:63-74

- Bay, 56:63-78

- mission, 40:31-43

St Esprit Island, 17:17-19

St Joseph School (Sydney), 56:9-16

St Joseph du Moine, 58:13-30; 62:53-61

St Margaret's Church (BroadCove), 69:55-6

St Paul Island, 5:13-19; 73:47-8, 50-9, 61

Steel plant, 27:1-21;28:43-55; 37:1-14; 39:33-53; 51:14; 52:1-22

- closure, 58:37-52

- company houses, 57:29-34

- open hearth, 52:1-22; 60:11-34

- strikes, 22:1-16; 38:22-5,47-50; 50:43-8; 60:45-54

- women, 37:15-20

- workers, 22:1-16; 27:1-21; 36:34-9; 57:29-34;60:11-34

Stories, 6:ifc, 24:38-44. CfLove stories & Plays.

- children's, 73:70-1; 74:ifc, 75

- Christmas, 73:70-1

- Tessie Gillis, 62:45-9; 65:17-22

- Alistair MacLeod; 42:12-16

- Beatrice MacNeil, 63:ifc, 74

- Ellison Robertson, 64:43-6

Storms, (1973) 5:23;19:28-30; (1913), 26:35; 39:63-70; 66:41-52

Story-telling, 4:fc, 12-13; 44:65-9; 71:49-62

Strait of Canso. See Canso, Strait of.

Strikes. See Coal mining, steel plant.

Submarines, 10:23-8; 46:bc, 37-49

Sugar Loaf, 40:ifc, 50-3; 54:59-69


- experiences, 10:ifc,29-32; 33:ifc, 47:68- 84; 48; 55:27-32; 59:71; 61:19-26, 84-92

- tales, 9:21-5; 12:1-8;26:13-18; 37:ifc; 38:ifc, 51-6; 40:ifc, 50-3; 56:9-16 57:60-7; 58:30-1;61:55-70; 69:53-4, 56

Supertankers, 6:1-4, 21-4, bc

Survival in woods, 4:10-11

Swordfish, 4:5-6, 24

- fishing, 71:ifc, 42


- harbour fortifications, 13:27-40; 14:33-9

- history, 39:33-53; 48:59-64

- politics, 58:ifc, 53-4

Sydney & LouisburgRailway, 28:1-15; 29:22- 6; 68:62-4

Sylliboy, Gabriel, 71:63-7


Talbot House, 15:8-12

Tanning, 6:15-17

Taxi drivers, 52:bc, 73-88; 53:59-68

Tompkins, Rev Jimmy,16:6-12; 34:32; 40:27- 30; 73:62-4

Tourism, 36:18-29; 43:17-29;51:49-57; 62:ifc, 66-70

Trade Union Act (1937), 23:33-6

Trams, 24:1-8

Trans Canada Highway, 21:ifc, 38

Trapping, 41:1-15; 74:38

Travel. See Winter -travel.

Treasure, 17:9-19; 57:69-82

Tugboats, 54:1-14, 70-80

Tuna. See Fishing - tuna.

Two Friends, 65:68-72


Ulgimoo, 28:37-8

Unemployed workers, 45:ifc, 53-8

United Mine Workers, 72:1-12, 79-96

United States Navy, 41:55-9

Urquhart, John Tom, 4:23


Vandora, 71:43-8

Vikings, 18:22-5


Waipu, 1:11-12; 13:bc, 23-6;64:68-74; 66:35- 40; 69:21-36; 74:63-74

Wallace, Beattie, 54:81-100

Walsh, Lillian Crewe, 56:ifc, 44-7; 74:11-22

Waltes, 6:9-12

War brides, 35:47-52; 54:bc,18-32; 73:11-24

War. See First World War, Second World War.

Watchman against the world, 66:35-40


- divining, 37:54-60

- finding, 6:5, 7-8

Watford, 16:13-17

Weaving, 56:ifc, 44-7

West Tarbot, 67:1-12, 61-70

Whales, 16:18-23

White Point, 52:ifc, 66-72

Whitney Pier, 30:19-22;36:34-9; 44:25-46; 45:ifc, 53-8; 57:29-34; 74:1-10, 87-100

Wildberries, 8:ifc

Wildflowers, 33:49-52

Wilkie, John A, 4:23

Wilmot Johnny, 65:23-32


- mail delivery, 62:17-26

- mogans, 1:22, 24

- ploughing, 52:36

- travel, 16:43-8; 28:1-15;62:17-26; 66:ifc, 70-2

Women - steel plant, 37:1-14

Wood carving, 26:ifc, 38-9; 60:69-78

Woods - working in, 7:1-7,54:59-69; 46:ifc, 59-62; 67:ifc, 24-30

Woollen mills, 12:14-18

Wreck Cove, 9:1-12; 20:1-15;25:23-5; 48:35-58; 65:1-8, 59-67

- hydro-electric plant, 9:1-12

Wright, Hilda, 55:33-40

Wyton, 26:19-34

Cape Breton's Magazine
