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Page 49 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 50 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 51 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 52 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 53 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 54 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 55 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 56 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 57 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 58 - On the Trail of Elizabeth May


Page 59 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 60 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 61 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 62 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 63 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 64 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 65 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 66 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 67 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 68 - Charlie MacDonald: Cab Driver Tales, More Stories from 58 Years Behind the Wheel


Page 69 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 70 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 71 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 72 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 73 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 74 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 75 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 76 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 77 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 78 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 79 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 80 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 81 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 82 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 83 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 84 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 85 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 86 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 87 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Page 88 - A Talk with Dominic Nardocchio


Inside Back Cover - Advert: St. Ann's Gaelic College


Back Cover - Photo: Kluscap's Cave, Fairly Hole, Cape Dauphin, St. Ann's Bay


Cape Breton's Magazine 53

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