Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 26 > Page 12 - Stories the tell about Duncan MacKenzie

Page 12 - Stories the tell about Duncan MacKenzie

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/8/1 (404 reads)

stories they tell about Duncan IVIacKenzie: Mary Hart: They tell the story that Duncan was out guiding this American lady, and they were down like over the bank--and he had to lift her up, help her up over the bank, and her skirt sort of went up over her leg. And she said, "What do you think of that for a leg?" "Just like a rainy day," he said, "I would like to see it clear up," Kenneth MacKenzie: Another time, this fel- low was talking about a big fish he caught--oh, I guess it was supposed to be a tremendous fish. My father said, "Well, I was out fishing one time and I caught a salmon, and when I took him ashore--he had a lantern in his mouth." And he said, "You know, the lantern was lit." And the fel? low, more in fun than anything else, he said, "You know, I don't believe that. That's impossible." "Well," my father says, "you take 20 pounds off your fish, and I'll blow out the lantern." Salmon Museum: Another time, he and a group of friends were fishing at the head? waters of the Margaree River for a whole morning without making catches. Pausing to rest, Duncan saw a snake with a frog in his mouth. Pouring some whiskey on the' snake's head from a flask he carried for "emergencies," the frog was dropped and the snake coiled up dead drunk after lap? ping up some of the whiskey. The frog was cut up for bait and the group enjoyed good fishing for the remainder of the morning. Later on in the day, as Duncan was sitting on a rock for a rest, he felt something tapping his rubber wader. It was the same snake, tapping with his tail to draw at? tention, and expectantly holding another frog in his mouth. Jimmy Hannigan: He was guiding another day, and this woman got caught on a big rock in a stream, and Duncan was down below her a piece. And she was pulling--she thought she had a big salmon on--and she was hol? lering for Duncan. "Aw well," he said, "look--there's a whole world on one end and a damn fool on the other." SalmoTi Mugeum: He told a yarn of his boy- hood days when his father pastured his cows across the river during the summer months. They were brought home across the river each evening to be milked. For a time his father was mystified to note that some of the cows were completely dry of milk when they reached the cowyard. Then it was discovered that large salmon were sucking the cows as they swam across the pool. It was decided to cash in on this discovery. False udders and teats were fastened to the cows, and on each teat a fish hook was attached. After that, each cow brought ashore several salmon each eve? ning while the run was on. Johnny White: A fellow went down to the river, and Duncan was fishing alone. This fellow came along and he had a bottle of rum, and he said to Duncan, "I suppose, Duncan, you would have a little drink, would you?" "Well, you know," he said, "this is one day I would have a drink." "Yeah?" said this fellow. "And what's the other day?" "Well, when I'm not fishing." Mary Hart: His wife's name was Lexie, and poor Lexie couldn't get any work done-- they had like a tourist home--she was af? ter Duncan to do some things. But Duncan wasn't too concerned about it. So anyway, she thought she'd pull a gag and try to get him to stay home, and she said, "Where are you going, Duncan?" "I'm going fish? ing." "Well, I'm not too well. I'm going to die." He looked at her and he said, "Die, woman, die; Duncan's going fishing." Oceanside Campsites All Supplies Latindromat and Swimming Pool PIPER'S Restaurant andTrailer Court INDIAN B R O 0 K, on the Cabot TraiJ. (12)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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