Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 26 > Page 23 - Wrecked on the Cheticamp Coast, 1823

Page 23 - Wrecked on the Cheticamp Coast, 1823

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1980/8/1 (289 reads)

left hand nearly crushed off, I was not able to unbutton my clothes without the assistance of my shipmate Taylor, whom I was obliged to ask to unbutton and button them for me. The master's hands being very much frozen, he got Crompton to assist him on with his gloves; several times his knees were much torn and lacerated, yet I never heard him complain of his feet, but I perceived his bodily health declining fast, not being able to eat much of the pork, nor were any of us except Taylor and Simpson, who could sit down and eat as hearty as if it had been meat that was cooked. We travelled on the most part of the day, but nothing could be discovered like a house or habitation to shelter us in this inclement season. Mr. Collinson observed, that he was afraid it was a judgment the Lord had sent upon us for leaving Webster. We travelled to a high cliff that projected out; here we all stood looking with great anxiety to the westward, but nothing could we discover but high mountains, as bad or worse than any we had before passed. Nothing like the low land, or an inhabited country, could . be seen. Mr. M'Cullum said, "You all plain? ly see there is nothing for us but return? ing back to the wreck, as the boat is the only hope we have now left, if it should please the Lord to enable us to reach it." As such, we came to the conclusion to re? turn, and we from this time and place be? gan to return to the wreck which we had left. The master was yet inclined to have gone forward, and he added, "I am certain I shall never live to reach the wreck."... The master said, "You told me you would endeavour to get a fire." We sat down to try if possible to get one; having ob? tained two of the dryest sticks we could find, two of our companions, who were the best able, viz. Crompton and the pilot, set to work, and rubbed the two sticks to? gether till they were almost exhausted, but to no effect; they could make plenty of smoke, but no fire...,We tried every means we could devise, but to no purpose, everything about us being so very wet and damp, that there was no possibility of ob? taining a fire; some of our company put a piece of old shirt in their bosoms to dry it, afterwards they would tease it to tow, but all without effect. Crompton had picked up a piece of flint, by the help of which and his knife we fondly hoped we should gain a light. We worked on very hard for a long time, but all in vain, every thing being against us, in regard to getting a light, or obtaining fire. We got up again, and proceeded on our journey, but all very stiff and sore. I only once recollect seeing one or two land birds all the time we were travelling. The master observing them, said, "Oh, you pretty lit? tle things, I think I could eat one of you;" scarcely any thing to be seen alive in the woods at this season of the year. The rest of our companions being at a small distance from us, they stopped till we reached them, and they said they should endeavour if possible to reach the place where we stopped last night; and, as dark? ness was fast approaching, they all went on except Mr. M'Cullum, the master, and myself. Mr. Collinson said, "Mr. Burrows, I cannot get any further." Where we were at this time situated, there was a small crag in the rocks, by the side of the moun? tain, and to get up this the master and I were too weak. Mr. M'Cullum said, "Do my good men, if it be possible, try to get on further." 1 said, "Mr. M'Cullum, you plain- Cape Breton Bed and Breakfast Watch for BED AND BREAKFAST sign or contact Cape Breton Tourist Assn. for a list. Cape Breton's BED AND BREAKFAST program offers a unique and inter<- esting experience in overnight ac? commodations . Every season those in the program, displaying the sign at left, open their doors to greet visitors with courtesy and warmth. CHICKEN CHALET Fried 5outlets to serve']fou- C.B. Shopping Plaza, Sydney River Sydney Shopping IVIall, Prince St. Blowers St., North Sydney Sterling (Mail, Glace Bay Plummer Aye., New Waterford Qualified I>ii'[>ensers Alwaa' in Att'danoe OWL DRUG STORE Your Nortiistde DOROTHY GRAY DISTRIBUTOR OoBv?le?ceiit and $U' IUmm Smpptimm Sia • |i H tt?Bi?l P.O.BWI las MmjkXBMtYmm (23)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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