Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 29 > Page 28 - A Twice Told Tale

Page 28 - A Twice Told Tale

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/8/1 (326 reads)

drank holy water--"Boy," he said, "there never was money enough that we'd ever go to that door again." But whatever that was, it struck that house--and I'm telling you-- my mother told me too, and that's one thing with her, she'd never tell a lie-- said it hit the house that hard that it pretty near knocked every dish that was in the house down. Whatever it was. That's as true as God Almighty. And she said it went. There was no more. But anyway, when the fellow of the house came home, he rapped at the door and they wouldn't let him in. Made him come around to the other door. And he came in, and they told him. He said to the girl, "Listen, did you give all her clothes away?"--his wife, who had died--she had died in that house there, a- bout a month before that. "Yes," she said, "I gave everything away, clear of one dress." "Well," he said, "you get that a- way tomorrow." And Papa and he sat up that night, never closed their eyes. And the next day. Papa and my mother went down to Green Cove. And there was a big dance that night. An awful lot of families, lot of homes down there, what they called summer homes--till the fall, when they'd move to their other homes. They went to the dance. And he had a dance and he said he was warm, and he and a Donovan fellow--they went out to get cooled off. And Papa told me, "Boy," he said, "I filled my pipe, and I lit a match. I was just putting the match to my pipe-- it was a nice beautiful night--when I felt this thing, blew right in my ear, like wind. This hot wind." At the same time, this fellow said to Papa, "Tim, look at the woman!" And he fainted stone dead, the other fellow that had seen her. And Papa said, "The curse of the Lord on your soul"--and he made one drive at her. But he never saw anything. They got the other fellow up, put water on him. Said he went out with a lantern--and the only two tracks that were there were his knd this fellow that fainted--although this fellow saw this woman. And he got frightened, the curse he had put on her, because he said it must have been someone who was dead. Had to be. There is nothing that could get in that porch, unless it was a spirit. The door never was opened. And then down there at Green Cove the next night. So the next day he walked up from Green Cove. He had a dollar. It was only a dol? lar then for a mass. He came up and saw Father Duncan. And he was feeling real scared, he said. Father Duncan was an aw? ful cross priest. Father Duncan said, "Tim, I hear you got a fright." He told him the whole story, about the next night and the curse he said--this was the only thing, when he had to tell the priest about the curse that he put on her soul. "Well," he said, "have you got a dollar?" "Yeah, I got the dollar." "Well, I'll take this money and I'll have a mass for the repose of the soul, whoever that person is. You needn't worry. You'll never be troubled a- gain." And never again, he never saw that woman after that. J" (B'ducation in IRova 'cotia . /= =x In the whole inner processes of education, there are three series, distinct in their object, their aims, and their difficulties. The first is designed to awaken mind, to beget a thirst for knowledge, with the means and methods of acquiring it; the second, to confer that intellectual and moral information and discipline which is the common basis of all liberal culture; and the third, to qualify for particular occupations. The primary business of the School is not so much to impart knowledge, as to awaken a demand for it, and to furnish the means of meeting that demand. If there is no felt want of a thing, no effort will be put forth to get it. If there is no taste or relish for any one object, there will be no desire for it, and, by consequence, no exertion made for its possession. Report of the Superintendent of Education for the Province of Nova Scotia for the Year 1862.' s'OOOs ' % Our enviable reputation in Nova Scotia in the education field is largely because of our conviction that education is important . . . just as important today as it was 119 years ago. As home of the first public school system in Canada, we have a fine tradition to maintain and we are working hard to do just that. 'Photo courtesy Dartmouth Heritage Museum If you wish to know more about today's educational system in Nova Scotia, write for a free copy of AIMS OF EDUCATION in Nova Scotia Schools Publication & Reference Nova Scotia Department of Education P.O. Box 378, Halifax, N.S. B3J 2S9 Nova Scotia Department of Education Hon.Terence R.B. Donahot Gerald J. McCarthy Deputy Minister ' (28)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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