Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 30 > Page 43 - Fragment from Mining at Gold Brook

Page 43 - Fragment from Mining at Gold Brook

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/12/1 (973 reads)

From a booklet called "The Great Bras D'Or (The Arm of Gold)." This was intended to attract inves? tors; The officers of this company want you to under? stand that they are not asking you to consider a proposition for putting your money into a mining property that has just been discovered and upon which not a cent's worth of actual work has yet been done. On the mining property of the Great Bras D'Or Gold Mining Co., over $75,000 has al? ready been expended and this work figures among the assets of this company. Over three miles of roadway had to be constructed to reach the main road leading to Nyanza, nine miles away, a shipping port. Under the laws this road must hereafter be kept in repair by the gov? ernment. The company owns a good lO-room house, a large barn, a blacksmith shop and tools, a tool- house and a magazine for explosives used in mining. It also owns a three-stamp mill, which has just been completed and put in operation. Mining Work Already Done; A dam has been constructed to retain the water of the brook that supplies the mill with water and the water is piped into the house. Five distinct veins have been traced for over a mile across this property and two more veins have been located, but have not yet been opened up, for the company already has more ore in the five veins than can be taken out in a hundred years.... An adit (an almost horizontal entrance to a mine) has been driven into the mountain side to a depth of 350 feet, following what we have named the Liz? ard vein, thus enabling this vein to be worked from inside the adit, by stoping and uplifting, and from the ground surface itself, as the vein breaks out for a great distance up the mountain Mr. AH.Merchant, President of the Great Bras D'Or Gold- ming Company; and view up Second Brook showing house. The big Mic-Mac (vein) follows up hilT at left of picture. .4* mines made a favourable impact on the eco? nomic life of this community. The monthly amount of ore crushed in 1908 varied from 200 to 600 tons, producing a low of 34 ounces of gold in June to a high of 177 ounces in August. Between the years 1908 and 1913 a total of 5044 tons of ore was crushed, yielding a total of 1359 ounces of gold. In 1909 a gold brick, which had been made in the stamp mill and was on dis? play on the office window, did in some mys? terious manner disappear. All the workers, even those who had no direct connection with the mill, were put on oath, but it was noted that the bosses and office per? sonnel were not asked to take the oath, and this caused dissatisfaction among the workers. The gold was never found. Dan E. MacQuarrie: That big nugget, well, it disappeared. And we were all searched-- every damn one of us was searched. And found this fellow stole the nugget was one of the officials, that was there from the States. And what did he do, he sent that on to Boston--never told some of the other officials there--but he did it, sent it some way. He wanted this to go well in selling the stock, show this nuggest. At last he admitted that, that he sent it a- way to Boston. That's what they do with side. This adit is about 250 feet above the brook already mentioned on the west side and another ad? it is now being driven in from the brook beneath and still another on the opposite, or eastern side of the brook on the same vein. Work is also going on in opening up the veins which we have named the Mac, Mic Mac, Big Mac and Little Mac, named from the Mic Mac Indians who for? merly occupied this country. Incidentally the name of the mine is taken from the famous Great Bras D'Or lake. The term "Bras D'Or" means "The Arm of Gold." It is pronounced Bradour. Assays made from general averages of ore taken from these veins have been carefully made and show values which warrant us in saying that we have one of the largest, if not the largest, free milling gold propositions existing in the world. Samples of ore are kept at our office and we will be pleased to show them to any inquirers, to whom we will also gladly show the assays which have been made.... Our Very Fair Offer; Inasmuch as our property is only thirty-six hours' ride by train, and four hours' drive by team, from Boston, we invite all prospective investors to vis? it our mine and satisfy themselves of the truth of our statements made herein. Three parties from Bos? ton have already made the trip and are now stock? holders in our company. To those who will make the trip we will agree to pay all their expenses from Boston, where their purchase exceeds $1,000. Could any proposition be fairer? Write, or call on us at our offices. THE GREAT BRAS D'OR GOLD MINING CO., 616 Old South Building, Boston, Mass. Or 548 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. (43)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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