Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 33 > Page 29 - Capt. Holland's Plan for Cape Breton, 1767

Page 29 - Capt. Holland's Plan for Cape Breton, 1767

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/6/1 (458 reads)

certain; from the Situation; from the Cli? mate; & above all from the concurrent At? testations of all who have long resided, & tried the Possibility of it, that this Country is capable of being improved to a very high Degree of Cultivation. The Soil is in general good, nay in some Places lux? uriantly SO; the Woods afford a great Quan? tity of excellent Timber; the many Rivers, Rivulets, Creeks, Lakes, Coasts, 6cc, a- bound with Fish; the Game that resorts here, at different Seasons, thro' the Year is inumerable; these are such Inducements, that with a little Encouragement would in? vite Ntimbers to become Settlers, especial? ly when it is considered, that in raising of Com, Vegetables, Hemp, & Flax, in Lum? ber, Potash, but above all in the Fishery; there are such inexhaustible Funds to re? ward the Industry of the Pursuer, 6e all so humanly speaking, sure of Success; the most avaritious will be satisfied, & the most diffident be emboldened." Holland doesn't mention coal in that par? ticular paragraph, but he was aware of it: "On this Island (our present-day Boular- derie; in Holland's time it was Verderonne, which he named St. George's Island on his map) near the Entrance of St. George's Channel is the most northerly Coal Vein to be found in the Island, & none more south? erly than Gage Bay (Mira Bay); but in this Extent there are such a Number of Veins... that they could supply the whole Continent of America, if it was destitute of any Kind of Fewel," Holland uses the word "encourage" again and again, hoping for the least notice of Government. He continually points to exam? ples of French development in portions of the island, and he makes specific recom? mendations to the Board of Trade, includ? ing: the fisheries should be regulated; coal should be permitted to be mined and exported and the revenue used for improve? ments; and he calls for separation of Cape Breton as a colony. "Whatever Prospects may be raised or Whatever Efforts be made in Favor of this Island, let the one, be ever so sanguine, or the other ever so vig? orous , untill the Dependency of it on an Infant Colony (Nova Scotia, with the seat of government at Halifax) is taken off; little Advantages can be expected to re? sult: When it is considered the great Dis? tance between this, & the Seat of Justice, there can be no Surprize, at many Oppres? sions 6c Breaches of Order going unpunished, before the proper Measures can be taken for preventing them..., Should a Sepera- tion ever be thought necessary to make, there is no Doubt, but that with a little Encouragement this Country, would more than answer what hath been described of it; besides, this is not all; it would beget an Emulation between the then two Colonies, as would insure Success on all their Meas? ures, & would perhaps be the most effectu? al Method of preventing all illjudged Taxes 6e Imposts, from being levied by eith? er of them...." Holland wants settlement: "A Mine of Gold lays at its Doors, but wants Hands to gather." The encouragement Holland calls for from the Board of Trade falls on cold, cautious ears--ears of men completely committed to the Cape Breton fisheries, but little else. See D. C. Harvey's "Introduction" to Hol? land's Description of Cape Breton Island. They refused to see their mandate as allow- ing grants of salable land. Some of the in? habitants had been given Licenses of Occu? pation, but this kind of insecurity did not promote investment. The Board of Trade did not permit coal mining except for mili? tary uses at Louisbourg and Halifax. They took the troops from Louisbourg, further? ing local insecurities among the inhabit? ants left. The timber, except for fisher? men's specific requirements, was to be re- TEXT CONTINUES ON PAGE 32, AFTER THE MAP Dine in the 18th Century! Dining at Fortress Louisbourg offers a unique experience to turn the clock back several hundred years. Food is pre? pared from authentic 18th Century recipes and served in the atmosphere of that era. L'Epee Royale (Inn) full course meals Hotel de la Marine (Cabaret) light nourishing fare Destouches House (Cafe) pastries and beverages King's Bakery freshly baked soldiers bread The Fortress of Louisbourg is a National Historic Park, open June 1st to September 30th, in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
Cape Breton's Magazine
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