Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 34 > Page 57 - Yvon LeBlanc, Architect Fortress of Louisbourg

Page 57 - Yvon LeBlanc, Architect Fortress of Louisbourg

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/8/1 (217 reads)

destroyed. Well, I think that's not so at all. I think he was hoping that it could be protected, and that they could get it back after and still use it. But they got panic-stricken, and they didn't properly spike the cannon. So that a couple of days after, the English were shooting at us with our own cannon and balls. And look, I find myself saying, "They were shooting at us." Which makes people laugh. We've all got our own people that we pre? fer or like, that we get more involved with. And Verrier, he was a sort of dul? lish kind of person. But he's accused of all sorts of things, and I feel bound to try to put things straight. They accuse him of wasting money on building the big gates, monumental gates. They say, if he had been working at his fortification rath? er than at that, it might have been better. But what I tried to make them realize, it ain't necessarily so. Because at that time, in the times of kings, the monumental en? trances to a town were extremely important. They express the prestige of the king. And in architecture and in the mores of the time, that part was a functional thing. These gates are not embellishments. They are part and parcel of fortress building at that time. And these are rather tame compared to a whole lot of others else? where. Usually, they bore the name of the direction in which they were going. But not here. Why was it called the Maurepas Gate? And another, Frederic Gate--because they're the same man. He was Frederic de Maurepas, the Pontchartrain Comte de Maure? pas . He was the Minister of the Navy--oh, he had lots of functions. He was the Grand Master of the king's household. He con? trolled France. And he was the one that we are in constant correspondence with here. So that would be an interesting thing to speculate on: how come he got two gates named after him? Whereas there was none af? ter the king; there was one after his son, the Dauphin Gate, We understand how that came. The king had had several daughters, and he was hankering for a son, and final? ly he got one. So there was a big celebra- Education In Nova Scotia The Depai iment of Education is continually involved in improving the quality of the educational services provided to all Nova Scotians, including native people, francophones, newcomers to Nova Scotia and immigrants who have come to Canada. We believe that by encouraging multicultural learning experiences in Nova Scotia we will also develop multinational perspectives that will deepen our international understanding. Le ministere de I'Education continue a faire son possible pour ameliorer la quality des services cducationnels a tous les Neo-ecossais, y-inclus les autochtones, les Acadiens, les nouveaux-arrives dans notre Province et les immigrants au Canada. Nous croyons que c'est en encourageant I'education multiculturelle en Nouvelle-Ecosse que nous developperons aussi une perspective multinationale qui fera croitre nos ententes Internationales. Tha Roinn an Fhoghlum daonnan a sas ann a bhi a leasachadh stait nan Seirbhisean Foghlumach do mhuinntir Albainn Nuadh; nam measg Innseannaich, Franngaich, feadhainn a tha air ur thighinn a dh'Albainn Nuadh agus daoine o dhuthchannan eile a tha air an dachaidhean a dheanamh ann an Canada. Tha sinn a' creidsinn gun uraichear seallaidhean iomadh-naiseantach le bhi a brosnachadh foghlum iomadh- culturach, agus gun doimhnich seo 'ur tuigse eadar-naiseanta. Education departmentaq me'pemi kwtnu'kwalsijik kisi naji klu'lka'tunew kina'matnewey wjitmst Nova Scotiaewaq ma'w Inu'k, wenujk, natel pejita'te'wk aqq qame'kewaq naji wikultijik Canada. Ketlamsimek kisi apoqnmatmek kina'nasin wen pilu'tlqamiksuti'l Nova Scotia, naji wli nsiatultitesnu qame'kewaq. Nova Scotia '[??1' Department of ''V. Education ' Hon. Terence R.B. Donahoe Gerald J. McCarthy Minister Deputy Minister (57)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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