Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 35 > Page 48 - Gwen LeFort, War Bride in WWI

Page 48 - Gwen LeFort, War Bride in WWI

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1983/12/1 (746 reads)

be with him.) Well, of course, he was my husband. (But even before he was your hus? band, you'd met him and he'd already....) Well, yes, met him, took him home. Like I say, my mum took pity on him, I guess, be? cause he was so far from home. And I sup? pose she thought: Well, it could be one of my sons. So, took him home, and in the Eng? lish fashion gave him cups of tea and things like that, you know, made him wel? come. (What about yourself? You were at? tracted to him.) At that time, he didn't show it as much as he did in later years. In later years--oh my stars, when we were living in Cheticamp, he would sometimes jump up in the middle of the night and say that somebody was coming after him, he could hear horses. Oh, it was terrible there for a year. For a year, he didn't work at all, his nerves were absolutely gone. And it's all the effects of World War One. (You meet this man and he was a Canadian soldier, and how does he win your heart?) Well, I don't know. Like I say, I was young. I had a very sympathetic nature. Possibly because of what he'd been through. And then he told me glowing stories of Can? ada, which, when I arrived here, I found weren't so glowing. (What did he tell you?) He told me he worked in a bank, when actu- Wood and coal stoves can be dangerous. If you want to beat the high cost of heating by using a wood or coal stove, be sure that the installation is safe. 83% of fires in homes using wood stoves are caused by: % 36 - creosote buildup in flues 12 - improper use of stove 18-faulty installation 17 - faulty chimneys ji'yt. ally he was a fisherman. Worked in a bank, and his French-Canadian accent--oh boy! That was it. I doubt if he'd ever been in a bank to make a deposit. "Well," I said to him, "now, I've been raised in a city." "Yes, I know," he said. I said, "Well, what about this Cheticamp-- is it city? Is it country?" He said, "It's between the two: it's country, but it's not far from the city." My god, when I first came to Canada, in the winter, and his father met us in Inverness, and I had to get in a sleigh behind a horse--I'd nev? er seen so much snow in my life, I'd never driven behind a horse before. And I had a 40-mile drive to Cheticamp. I didn't think it was so wonderful. I said, "How much far? ther do we have to go?" "It's not far now; we'll soon be there." But he and his dad had a little nip of something to fortify them. They were keeping themselves warm, and I was frozen in the bottom of the sleigh, wrapped in blankets. The horse would stumble in the snowdrifts and I'd be scared to death. I'd jump out of the sleigh, but I had to get back in, because I couldn't walk 40 miles in the snow. I'd never seen so much snow, never driven in a sleigh or anything like that. I was alone. Absolutely. No children yet. Mf. first child was born in 1922, I said, "It's the distance from the railway sta? tion that's keeping me here." I tried to run away a couple of times. But I'd get a little piece up to the top of the hill--we lived down at the bottom of a hill--and think to myself: No, it's frustration, I i'-'' Irvsuronce Bureau of Carxada University College off Cape Breton Press announces TWO NEW BOOKS THE WELL-WATERED GARDEN: The Presbyterian Church in Cape Breton, 1798-1860 by Laurie Stanley: The Well-Watered Garden is a thoroughly researched scholarly work, as well as a thoroughly readable account of the 19th century Pregby- terian Cape Breton. It tells the tale of the enigmatic Rev. Norman MacLeod and the elaborate spiritual drama of the settlers who gathered "to sing the Lord's song in a strange land". $14.50 MINING PHOTOGRAPHS AND OTHER PIC? TURES - 1948-1968: A selection from the negative archives of Shedden Studio, Glace Bay. 280 pages, 400 illustrations with critical and historical analysis of photos, with commentary by Allan Sekula, Don MacGlllivray and Robert Wilkie. $24.95 AVAILABLE IN LOCAL RETAIL OUTLETS also available from UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF CAPE BRETON PRESS P.O. Box 5300, Sydney, N.S., B1P 6L2 Phone539-5300, Ext. 146
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