Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 36 > Page 20 - A Tourist in Louisbourg, 1858

Page 20 - A Tourist in Louisbourg, 1858

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1984/6/1 (272 reads)

One of the chaplains of the filibusters carried a hatchet specially sharpened, to hew down the wooden images in the churches of Louisburgh, Everything that was needed to encourage and cheer the saints, was pro? vided by Governor Shirley, especially a goodly store of New England rum, and the Rev, Samuel Moody, the lengthiest preacher in the colonies. Louisburgh, at that time feebly garrisoned, held out bravely in spite of the formidable array concentrated against it. In vain the Rev, Samuel Moody preached to its high stone walls; in vain the iconoclast chaplain brandished his ec? clesiastical hatchet; in vain Whitefield's banner flaunted to the wind. The fortress held out against shot and shell, saint, flag and sermon. New England ingenuity fi? nally circumvented Louisburgh. Humiliating as the confession is, it must be admitted that our pious forefathers did actually a- bandon "Christo duce," and used instead a little worldly artifice. Commodore Warren, who had declined taking a part in the siege of Louisburgh, on ac? count of the regulations of the service, had received, after the departure of the expedition, instructions to keep a look? out for the interests of his majesty in North America, which of course could be readily interpreted, by an experienced of? ficer in his majesty's service, to mean precisely what was meant to be meant. As a consequence. Commodore Warren was speedily on the look-out, off the coast of Cape Breton, and in the course of events fell in with, and captured, the "Vigilant," sev? enty-four, commanded by Captain Strong- house, or, as his title runs, "the Marquis de la Maison Forte." The "Vigilant" was a store-ship, filled with munitions of war for the French town. Here was a glorious opportunity. If the saints could only in? timate to Duchambon, the Governor of Louis? burgh, that his supplies had been cut off, Duchambon might think of capitulation. But unfortunately the French were prejudiced a- gainst the saints, and would not believe them under oath. But when probity fails, a little ingenuity and artifice will do quite as well. The chief of the expedition was equal to the emergency. He took the Marquis of Stronghouse to the different ships on the station, where the French prisoners were confined, and showed him that they were treated with great civility; then he represented to the Marquis that BRIAND'S CAB Cape Breton TOURS CABOT TRAIL 564-6161 664-6162 Fortress Louisbourg Graham Bell Museum Miners Museum Gaelic College see the beautiful Read a good book ... Listen to some music ... from our branch libraries and bookmobiles in Richmond, Inverness, and Telephoni (902)747-2597 If you knit, you'll want something natural. Create your own fashions with our new 100% virgin wool yarns especially made for hand knitting. We're open Monday through Friday, 8 to 5, Saturday. 9 to 6. This summer, why not take a few minutes to visit our woolen mill? The Mill shop has in stock lovely Irish Cove Wool in 40 different shades, some seconds when available, and a range of handknits to please every? one's taste. Drop in, or write for shade cards and price lists. We offer special quantity discounts. Cape Breton Woolen Mills Ltd. R. R. No. 1, Irish Cove, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia BOA IHO (902) 828-2776 (20) NOVA SCOTIA'S GREAT OUTDOORS is pan of our provincial Dirtnrignt and is something more and more people are accepting as a recreational re? source. Near the seacoast or in the woodlands, over mountains and down rivers Nova Scotians are appreciating and wisely utilizing a source of enjoy? ment and exercise as inexpensive as it is priceless. Outdoor recreation is something everyone can experience. Please use it wisely. Hon. Billy Joe MacLean, Minister
Cape Breton's Magazine
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