Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 40 > Page 6 - With Lottie Morrison from Gabarus

Page 6 - With Lottie Morrison from Gabarus

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1985/8/1 (471 reads)

Father was really such a wonderful man. I never heard my father raise his voice to one of us, (How could he be S?? good?) I don't know, (That's almost too good,) No, he wasn't too good. He was just good. (He had no faults?) Not as far as we--couldn't find any fault. (You couldn't find one.) He was so good to everybody. Someone wanted a piece of land, then Father would give them a piece of land, lots of land. Our woodland went back 5 miles in the woods, and someone came to my father one t??ime and said, "Mr, Morrison, did you know there are people cutting hardwood on your back land?" Father said,"I don't know, I've never seen it. And if they need it more than I do, well, that's nice, I'll never need it." (But he sounds like a saint!) He was a great man, I don't know how Father could have been so good. And in politics, everything--you name it--he nev? er wore his religion on his sleeve, ei? ther- -he could have been anything. (You finished your Grade 9 at Gabarus Hill. A one-room schoolhouse,) Then I went away to school. I went to Louisbourg High School. I had a sister who was married in Louisbourg, and I stayed with her. Oh, I thought Louisbourg was New York, At that time Louisbourg was flourishing. Especial? ly in the wintertime, Louisbourg Harbour never froze over, you know. And all of the boats going across to Europe--the freight? ers and coal boats--they all bunkered in Louisbourg, The coal was shipped from Lou? isbourg, from the mines. So, Louisbourg in the wintertime was very, very busy. So, they had a high school. You could go through to Grade 12, Then I went away to Normal School (Truro). And then I was teaching in Gabarus. I taught 4 years in the country. I taught Ga? barus, down at The Barachois, and at The Hill, and at Gabarus Lake, Then I came to Sydney, and I stayed in Sydney for 15 years, I taught boys, all boys. At that time they had separate rooms for girls and boys, The first two years I taught down in Whit? ney Pier. That was the time when Sydney was booming, and people were coming in from all over the world. The first year I taught down at The Pier, I had 104 chil? dren in my room. You can imagine--104! Three sat where two should be. Poor little kiddies--they were good, too. But I think I had every nationality in the world, Ital? ians and Polish and Ukrainians and those people. And they were very nice children. I never had any trouble with the parents or anything. (You never had any trouble with them?) I always said, I didn't teach them with a rod of iron; I taught them with a rod of love. And to this day, if you can believe it--one Sunday in church I counted 7 of the boys I taught in school. And I thought they all looked so old! But they're nice boys, I never had any trouble in school. I enjoyed every bit of it. Then I came to Ashby. They weren't poor--down at Ashby I had the loveliest boys. 'Cause most of them were boys whose fathers had very good positions at the steel plant. And there are two boys living in the Cabot House now, I taught their ABC's, Of course, I was young. And some of the boys would tell me, well, they always remembered me--my hair was jet black and my colouring was high, and all this sort of thing. And I had a string of black wooden beads, about the size of a robin's egg. And so many times my little boys said they learned how to count on my beads. It was wonderful. And I didn't leave teach? ing because I didn't like it. Someone said to me one day, "How long do you plan to teach?" And I said, "I don't know--I never thought anything about it." So I was in than lumber and nails. Because we've been building quality into our homes for more than 20 years. "They just don't build homes like they used to." How often have you, or one of your friends said something like this? You're probably right. House-building has changed ... for the better! Lighter, stronger materials. Energy- saving designs. More efficient plumbing and electrical systems. They all add up to better-built homes. If there's one thing that's lacking in many of today's homes though, it's quality. Some firms sacrifice quality for speed. It makes a certain amount of sense. The faster prospective home builder who suffers. How do you recognize a quality-built home? It's simple. Just look for our name as the builder. At Co-op our time, expertise and experience is channeled into each home we build. And it shows! See for yourself. Visit our office. We'll show you our catalogue of fine Harbour Homes. If you wish, we'll even custom build to your specif ications. We want you to be satisfied with the home you build. After all, you'll be living in it for many years to come. Its got to be good. And homes are built, the more can be built. But it's you the it is if its built by Harbour Homes. W' '''T"' i y You've Got Experience On Your Side J'bA) • T / Pointing The Way To Better Living CO-OP CO-OP Building Supplies KING'S ROAD, SYDNEY - 539-6410 STATION STREET, PORT HAWKESBURY - 625-2600 (6)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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