Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 43 > Page 42 - Dan Angus Beaton: a Gaelic Tale

Page 42 - Dan Angus Beaton: a Gaelic Tale

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1986/8/1 (449 reads)

an fhortain," thuirt e, "do chuimhnich sibh idir, sin ainm an fhir air an robhar ag eughach anns a' chladh bho chionn da cheud bliadhna." Thug athair cruinn leum as--"Airson Dia, cha do studaig mise riamh air' Feumar stad a chur air a' bhaisteadh agus air an ainm, ma ghabhas e idir," agus mach a ghabh e. Leum e air muin each eile bha anns an t- sabhal agus "start" e aig cruaidh ghalap as deidh an fheadhainn a dh'fhalbh. A dh'aindeoin na rinn e ghalap 'sa dh'fhalbh, dar a rainig e an eaglais--bha am baist- eadh seachad. Thuirt e ris an t-sagart, "Feumar an t-ainm seo bhi air a 'shein- geadh,' chan fhaod e bhith." Thuirt iad ris, "Cha ghabh an t-ainm a bhi air a 'sheingeadh' a nis, seo an t-ainm a bhios air gus am bi e marbh." Cha ghabhadh sian 'eanamh tuilleadh--bha Raghnall Mac Ailein Oig ann mu dheireadh. Cha robh fios aig athair de dheanadh e, bha'm fear beag a' "startadh" air fas. "Rud is fhearr dhomhsa dheanamh, 'se'n t- aite seo fhagail uile gu leir, far nach cluinn an gille gu brath gun robhar ag eughach air agus gun d'thug mise'n t-ainm." Dh fhalbh e 's chaidh e cros gu taobh eile dh'Albainn uile gu leir. Ach bha'n gille fas agus bha e ainmeil ainmeil uile tap- aidh anns an sgoil ann an ionnsachadh agus years there was a voice calling in it for a man by the name of'Ronald Young Allan, Raghnall Mac Ailein Oig, to come there, that he wanted him. And my God, there was no such a man in Scotland. And this voice was calling for Ronald Young Allan for 200 years before he was born. With the result that people didn't want to live near that graveyard, they kind of moved away from it. Do you understand it? Hearing this voice at night, calling the graveyard. People didn't want property even near it. Their land became kind of more or less vacant and not wanted. So for years and years, people kind of stayed away from the place. There was no such a man. But there was a place then, there was a family there, and there was an Allan in it. And then, by golly, there was another Al? lan in it--there were two Allans. Nobody ever thought anything of that. But this Young Allan got married. And there was an old man in the community. After (Young Al? lan) was married for awhile, a son was bom. So (the old man) went to the home to see how the young baby was coming. He went into the house. And he said he'd like to see the new baby. "Oh, he's sent to be bap? tized." "Oh, it's a boy, eh?" "Yes." "And what do you call him?" "We call him Ragh? nall." "Oh, my God," the old fellow said, "do you people realize that that's the man /-??''' 174 Ashby Rd. ''''' SYDNEY 564-8162 Ashby Nurseries Plummer Ave. /'a??' NEW WATERFORD 862-3374 Your Prestige Florist for Quality and Service "Call on us for free consultation to make your wedding perfect!" Share a little of your day. Dial direct,tonight. (lD MARITIME TEL&TEL; ' (42)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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