Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 44 > Page 22 - Wilfred Best: "The Merchant's Song"

Page 22 - Wilfred Best: "The Merchant's Song"

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/1/1 (274 reads)

would have would be all cash at the store. If he was lucky enough to get it, if they would give it to him, they charged him 25% interest. If he had $100 coming to him, they'd,give him $75. And if they gave you cash, that's what they would do, they'd charge you 25%. Say I had a boat and had all the fishing gear. Well I'd just get somebody--general? ly they used to get them from Newfoundland, some young fellow, you know. He'd come o- ver, and he lived with me, and fished till the fishing season was over. Sometimes they'd go back home. Sometimes, if the man was all alone, and had to cut wood and stuff like that in those years, well prob? ably he'd stay with him and help him to cut the wood. But he'd just feed him, he wouldn't pay him anything. Just keep him in the house, look after him. But they were contented like that. As far as money, they never worried about money. (When you're a shareman, and you work on someone's boat, is that boat owned by the merchant?) No, no. That's one thing they didn't own, was the boat. (So that when you say that he'd only get 75% of his mon? ey, if he got money, is he getting it from one of the local people, or is it from a merchant?) Oh yes, from the merchant. Yeah, the merchant would be' paying them. You see, they'd sell the fish to the merchant. The fish buyer. See what I mean? (Let me see if I have this right. I own a boat, and I hire you as my shareman. All my fish that I catch goes to the merchant. If I want any money, I have to go to the merchant. If I want to pay you, I have to go to the merchant to get it for you.) Well, no, he could go himself. (And the merchant, if you wanted money, would only give you 75% of what you were owed.) Mae: But on the merchant's side of the story now, his contention was that he out? fitted those people who owned the boats, and he outfitted their boats when they got ready for fishing in the spring. Now the guy that made it all right that year, well they got their own back. But see, there was a possibility that everybody wouldn't be able to pay their bills. So the fellows who were successful paid for the fellows Join Sydport's Industrial Team: Including woodworkers office & equipment suppliers navigational aids a fibreglass boat fish & road salt truck repair bagged coal briquettes fire extinguishers metal fabricators mining equipment silver plater commercial lights wrought iron consulting engineers refrigeration repair environmental consultants a pistol range wholesale soft drinks dairy products hearing aids drugstore items marine electronics .o. and more! SYDPORT has facilities for ocean? going vessels ... land ready for your custom development • lease or sale ... and a strategic location. For more leasing and purchasing information and a copy of our ' informative booklet INTRODUCING SYDPORT . please contact... ??(22) Introdueing WELCOME TO INDUSTRIAL PARK Contact: Mr. A. Mombourquette, or W. Wade, Manager, Telephone: (902)564-3636 Telex: 019-35290 SYDPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK P. 0. Box 154, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada BIP 6H1 Check these advantages of SYDPORT: - year-round harbour access - water depths from 20 to 38 feet - 250 acres of fully- serviced land - 350 additional acres for large-scale development - new ocean industry centre - advantageous govt, assistance programs - land and buildings available for lease or sale - park is an intema? tional trade zone - skilled stevedoring workforce A proieci o' Cape Breton Oeveiopmeni Corporarioi
Cape Breton's Magazine
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