Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 45 > Page 43 - Dan Angus Beaton: "Colainn gun Cheann"

Page 43 - Dan Angus Beaton: "Colainn gun Cheann"

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/6/1 (434 reads)

d'fhuair iad moran fois air son bhliadh- naichean is bhliadhnaichean' chan eil fhiosam nach robh linntean ann, bha iad ag radhainn, le spiorad a' bhoirionnaich chaidh a mharbhadh cho uamhasach--as an doigh uamhasach seo. Agus bha i 'cur mor eagal air a h-uile duine bhiodh a' gabhail a' rathaid mhoir 's a bha 'dol ma chuairt an aite. Agus.... Agus 's ann mar a chuala mise thuirt Raghall Mac Ailein Oig nach robh seo a dol a dheanadh math 'sam bith agus gu feumadh stad a chur air. Agus oidh? che dhe na h-oidhcheannan chaidh e thach- airt air spiorad a' bhoirionnaich. Tha e colta rium gun tainig i mar a b'abhaist, goirid bhon aite as an deach a marbhadh a bh'ann, agus rug e oirre 'nuair a thainig i agus dh'fhoighneachd e dhi gu de a bha seo a bha i deanamh, nach robh duine a bha siod na bha mor-thimchioll aig a robh coire rathad 'sam bith ri mar a dh'eirich dhi, agus gu robh i 'thoirt mordhragh dhaibh a' tighinn as an doigh ud, agus gu fexomadh i ghealltainn dha-san nach tigeadh i air ais a siod tuillidh. Ann a lathair nam bonn thuirt i ris: "Leig as mi. 'S duine foghainnteach thu, tha mi faithne'ainn," as ise, "air a' ghreim a th'agad orm gur duine foghainn? teach thu, ach leig as mi," as ise, "agus .cha chuir mi dragh air duin' a bhuineas dhut fad 's a bhios full fineige dhiubh ann am Morair a Deas." Thuirt esan a sin rithe, "Ni mise sin." Ag? us leig e as am boirionnach agus 'nuair a bha i falbh bha iad ag radhainn gun do ghabh i ceathramh orain: 'S fhada bhuam fhin cul Beinn Eadarain, "s fhada bhuam fhln Bealach a' Mhorbhain: Cul na munaidhean, aghaidh nam bealaichean, 'S fhada bhuam fhin Bealach a' Mhorbhain. Shin agaibh mar a chuala mise ma dheagh- ainn Colann gun Cheann. Our thanks to Effie MacCorquodale Rankin, Mabou, dered--in this horrible way. And she used to terrify everyone who was passing by on the high road and who was going about the place. And the way I heard it was that Raghall mac Ailein Oig said that this would not do at all and that it had to be stopped. And one night he set out to meet the ghost of the woman. It seems that she appeared as usual--it was near the place where she had been murdered--and he seized her when she appeared and he asked her why she was doing this, since there was no-one there or anywhere round about who was in any way to blame for what had happened to her, and that she was causing them great distress appearing like that, and that she must promise him that she would never come back there again. Right away she said to him, "Let me go. You are a strong man, I can tell," said she, "by the grip you have on me that you are a strong man, but let me go," said she, "and I shall never give any trouble to anyone who is related to you as long as there is a mite of their blood left in South Morar." He said to her then, "I'll do that." And he let the woman go and as she disappeared they say that she sang a verse of a song: Far from me is the back of Beinn Eadarain, Far from me is Bealach a' Mhorbhain: The back of the hills, the face of the passes. Far from me is Bealach a' Mhorbhain. That's what I heard about Colann gun Cheann. Published in Gaelic and English, Tocher is a rich source of stories, songs, other elements of folk? lore, and reviews of books and records--for the learner and the native speaker. It deserves your support. Write: Editor Alan Bruford, Tocher, School of Scottish Studies, 27 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LD Scotland. for the Gaelic transcription; to Paul Cranford, North Shore, for transcription of the tune; and to Evelyn Smith, Wreck Cove, for her help. EXPANDED I.N DOOR SHOWROOM LLOYD MacDONALD SALES KINGS ROAD - SYDNEY Toll Free '87 Pathfinder 4x4 1-800-565-9427 NOW IN STOCK "Service Is a Feature, Not a Promise" Miners' Village Restaurant ' uniquctt) warm ancC pCeasant atmospfiere, at tfie nT>fEJiS' nusEun, aL'CE B'y, >f .s. (902) 849-1788 (Private booftings afaiCofcCe) LICENSED Meals by Lamplight We Welcome Cape Bretoners and Their friends Cape Breton IVIental Health Centre Main Location: 1st Floor, Cape Breton Hospital, Sydney River Satellite Clinics Serve These Areas: North Sydney, Glace Bay, New Waterford, Neil's Harbour, Ingonish, Cheticamp, Baddeck, St. Peter's Services: Psychotherapy, Individual Counselling, Marriage & Family Counselling, Group Therapy, Consultation to Agencies, Schools, etc.. Drug Therapy, Forensic Assessment, Psychological Testing, Parenting, ChiIdrerv's Services Referrals accepted from all sources. You can even refer yourself. Please Call 562-3202 or 562-3110 or 562-3333 (43)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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