Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 46 > Page 18 - With Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald

Page 18 - With Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1987/8/1 (454 reads)

Of course I put the tape on with the clap? ping, cheering for me. "Here he comes on the stage now." About the time the clap? ping died over, I put Heifetz on. And it came out--look, one of the best re? cordings I ever made, you know, or worked on. And it came out perfect. So of course, I played another number then. Applause be? tween the numbers. (A fiddle tune?) No, classic, you know--oh, all classic stuff. And came on the second time, curtain pulled, and clapped again. So we finished off this time--I finished then. And they announced that--I did my- self--they were coming up, crowding around the stage, you know, and shaking hands with me. One fellow was presenting me with some kind of trash or something. And, "Oh, I see a fellow coming up the floor now with a portrait of such-and-such--in a wheelbarrow! They're taking it up to pre? sent him with it." And oh, a whole line of stuff. I mentioned 5 or 6 players and names', and made sure that they didn't know anything about musip! Anyway, I finished it off. There was a chap, awful fond of music. I said, "Did you ever hear me play classic music?" "Lord God, old man, no." So I put the tape on. He was crying! He thought it was me playing classic! But, you know, I had it down so good, that if you didn't know me-- I could play it for you--you'd really think it was the real thing. (In truth, though, were you able to play Heifetz' music?) No. Heifetz, no. That's what I wanted to play, I'll be honest with you. That was the only thing I was ever sorry for, that I couldn't afford to play that type of music. (I'm talking to a man that's considered perhaps the greatest liv- Over 90 Minutes with Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald! A NEW CASSETTE OF FIDDLE MUSIC: "Winston 'Scotty' Fitzgerald: House Parties and 78s' This new cassette is really two tapes In one. Gathered under Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald's super? vision, this cassette contains selections from a wide ran'e of house party tapes, plus all the currently un? available 78 recordings that Winston made. So if you want to dance, it's Side One with Winston's 78 r.p.m. records, made in the 1950s with Beatty Wal? lace on piano and Estwood Davidson on guitar. And if you just want to sit and listen to Winston going, as he put it, for his "heart and soul," that's the most of Side Two-home tapes of Winston playing for friends. He plays solo for part of the tape; then with Mary Jessie MacDonald on piano, and finally with Lewis Maclntyre on guitar. It's a real listener's side. Winston asked that we make it clear that because these are home tapes (on Side Two), the quality does vary. There is a bit of noise in a couple of places, and there are a few words spoken in one of the cuts. On the other hand, this is the only way to hear Winston as he was rarely heard, with a range of music not part of his usual recorded repertoire, including slow airs and a waltz. The house party music was recorded from 1958 to 1976, and mcludes 32 tunes. Regarding the 78s, most of the original studio masters have been lost. So Paul Cranford searched Cape Bret? on, Halifax, Toronto, and Boston for the best quality 78 records he could find. These have been carefully re? mastered in a studio and, although taken from records, the sound is remarkably bright and good. And this por? tion of the tape includes every Winston "Scotty" Fitzger? ald 78 that has been out of print since the 1950s~17 medleys~37 tunes in all. Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald: House Parties and 78s A Total of 69 Tunes in 31 Medleys * Over 90 Minutes of Music Available by Mall from Cape Breton's Magazine Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald House Parties and 78s IN CANADA $10.00 (Nova Scotia residents please add $1.00 provincial sales tax) OUTSIDE CANADA $10.00 (Orders outside Canada, please pay in U.S. currency) Send cheque or money or(ter to: Cape Breton's MAGAZINE WRECK COVE NOVA SCOTIA (18)
Cape Breton's Magazine
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