Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 48 > Page 12 - Johnny Allan MacDonald of Enon

Page 12 - Johnny Allan MacDonald of Enon

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1 (283 reads)

right across. (Just from the heat.) Yes, from the heat. (You don't have to strike them.) No. They'll go anyvay. (You don't have to throw water on them?) No, no. There was one boulder between here and the road. In the middle of the road. We started to set fire on top of it. Darn thing, there was only a little went on the top. (Little crack, you mean?) Yeah. But, a little trench around the edge, and you don't need so very much wood, either. When it gets warmed up, it'll crack--you can hear it blasting. There were thousands of them. (That you did.) Yeah. (Thousands of boul? ders.) Yeah. (Were you the first one who ever did that around here?) I was the one to do it here. I think there were more here ATLANTIC CANADA OPPORTUNITIES AGENCY ACTION PROGRAM An Opening for new ideas The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) will be investing more than $2 bil? lion in the future of Atlantic Can? ada, in the ideas and abilities of Atlantic Canadians. We'll be cre? ating and implementing devel? opment programs to stimulate small and medium-sized busi- CUTTING THROUGH RED TAPE When we consulted with people from the region, they told us we should make dealing with gov? ernment on development pro? grams simpler. We combined the Industrial and Regional Develop? ment Program (IRDP) and the At? lantic Enterprise Program (AEP) to create the ACOA Action Pro? gram • flexible and responsive to the needs of Atiantic than anywhere else, that I knew of. (Did other people use fire on the boulders, too?) Oh yes, oh yes. (That was common.) Oh yes, that was common. The easiest job I ever did. I got rid of all the old fencing, breaking them up and sitting around the boulders. (Why were you cracking up the boulders? Why did you set fire to them and break the boulders up?) So that I'd be able to turn them out, and pull them out. Some of those that were too big, you know, I'd set fire to. But other stones that weren't so heavy, I'd get a big chain around them, and the horses would pull them away. (You were clearing a field?) Oh, that would _be clearing the Ifield. And there was less work to be done. Why, there's rows of big stones all over this place. Rows of them. (And of course by the time you were doing it, the older gener? ation- -had they been moving the stones before you?) They'd been moving little ones. But not any big ones. You know there was always a hole where a big boulder would be. And all the small stuff, I'd throw them right back into the hole. (The small stones.) Yeah. (And what would you do with the stumps?) Ah, the stumps--set fire to them. Of course, I didn't have to do very much of that. It was boulders, the most I had to do with. (And would you be able later to come along and use the mower, rather than the hand scythe?) Oh yes, use the mower right through. And still, can use the mower all over the place. Clear of--there's rows of big stone. There's 2 rows over that way; there's another row down there, going across. (And you built those rows?) Well, a lot of them. (Were you working alone?) Oh Streamlined and simplified to slice away red tape, the Action Program is just the first of many ACOA initiatives. WHAT CAN ACOA DO FOR YOU? If you have a good idea that fits into one of these eligible categor? ies, we have representatives who want to hear the details: agricul? ture (except farming), aquacul- ture, commercial research and de? velopment facilities, freight for? warding, logging, manufacturing, mining and related services, busi? ness service industries, other serv? ice industries, storage and ware? housing, tourism, and repair and maintenance services. Call us today at 1-800-561-7862. DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURS AND CREATING JOBS. Enterprise Cape Breton 1.800-565-9460 (Toll Fr
Cape Breton's Magazine
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