Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 48 > Page 93 - Kieran Ballah Remembers M.J

Page 93 - Kieran Ballah Remembers M.J

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/6/1 (180 reads)

From a Concert Program: "A perfect voice speaks so directly to the soul of the heater that all appearance of artfully prepared effect is absent." "Every song has its atmosphere, and the singer must find and create the mood that will express it. This mood must grow out of an understanding of the poem." "Be patient, be humble, be thorough. Pre? pare yourself for singing as seriously as though you were entering any other profes? sion. Above all things, be educated men and women before you attempt to be interesting singers." "The singer expresses what is in him and is back of him, as well as what is being said by the composition he is singing. You can? not be an interesting singer if you are an uninteresting person. PREPARE THOROUGHLY." Marjorie Coombs MacGibbon Ball: Whatever is written there is exactly the way Mosey Bal? lah felt. (And all those quotes on the program are signed, "Ballah's Voice Studio.") Yeah. Well I don't know if that's something that he got from some other book, or whether this is something that he made up himself. fM': RECITAL PtiF??ILS OF - Ballah's Uoice Stuoto '"''*'' ?? on ; I -'*: November'alr'; j ' ?'> 0 i''rjBiltti BuiWin'; j I Charley 8i??. Tescber M. J. Ballah ?? ACCMnMDiSt I Sbaver McCaUum Certainly, if he read it, they would be ex? pressing his feelings exactly. As I said, "Sing from your heart"--that really says it all. That's exactly the way he felt. KIERAN BALLAH CONTINUES he'd do the cooking. He loved to cook, too. He was a great homemaker. (Have you been singing? There is a barber? shop quartet.) I haven't been going for years, no. But I was a part of it, in the organization of it, in the beginning. We had a lot of fun, a lot of travelling with it. We went into competitions. Came third in the Maritimes once. But we did it more for fun than to compete. We'd go to each other's houses. One night a week. We'd be at my house one night, Ray Goodyear's an? other night, Jerry Gerono's another night, and Glenn MacSween's another night. We had more fun practicing than being on the stage. I suppose you inherit that, I guess. I i'MHittsii' 480 GRAND LAKE RD. SYDNEY 539-7644 * 539-1730 Honda Motorcycles & ATV's Honda Power Equipment Honda 4-Wheeled Vehicles for Year Round Use Accessories: Trailers, Snowplows, Mowers HONDA nnf BtdetteBoa'Coiiiitaji Specialists in Phone:539-4111 No structural changes No more painting • Clean from inside WindoMfs! 'tjV'' FREE 341 Welton St., Sydney SERVING ALL OF CAPE BRETON PRODUCTS LTD. FREE ESTIMATES Mary Browifs FHed Chicken. King Street Welton Street Kings Road Sydney River North Sydney EAT IN & DRIVE THRU & HOME DELIVERY: 794-4410 Sydney EAT IN & DRIVE THRU EAT IN Maiy Brown has the bestirs in town.
Cape Breton's Magazine
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