Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 49 > Page 40 - August Birds in Cape Breton, 1893

Page 40 - August Birds in Cape Breton, 1893

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1 (245 reads)

ternoon, shortly before sunset, I saw an osprey rise from the Bras d'Or with a good sized fish in his claws. I expected to see him take it to some point near by, but in? stead he flew westward, high above the trees, until finally he was lost in distance. I have already mentioned seeing marsh hawks. None of the big buteos came near enough for me to identify them, nor did I see a Cooper's hawki but, to my delight, sparrow hawks were not uncommon, and were comparatively fearless. The first that we saw were in a large field near Middle Riv? er. As we drove slowly along the road, a pair of sparrow hawks frolicked in front of us. They rose as we came near enough to see distinctly all their handsome markings, and flew airily from one perch on the fence to another a rod or two farther on. They rose and fell, tilted, careened, righted, tacked, made exquisite curves, and in fact performed as many graceful maneouvres in the air as a fine skater could on the ice, and then came back to the fence and perched again. I drove slowly in order not to frighten them, and the result was that they rose and settled again before us more than a dozen times. Were You Born Before 1923? if so, you may be wondering what to do with your R.R.S.P.'s.A League Savings R.R.I.F. (Registered Retirement Income Fund) puts you in control of '' ' '' your retirement income • the way it should be! A R.R.LF. is by far the most flexible option available to you when the time comes to convert your R.R.S.P. funds into a regular retirement income. A League Savings and Mortgage R.R.I.F. offers you: Flexible Payment Options Your choice of regular payments on an annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly basis. Call today for detailed information or write to your nearest League Savings Office. League Savings 8 Mortgage Member of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 235 Charlotte St., Sydney, N.S. B1P1C4 • 539-8222 No Fees Excellent interest Rates Variable and Guaranteed rate options available. Although I saw no living owls during my trip, I saw stuffed birds representing the common species, and heard stories of the daring attacks of great horned owls upon the dwellers in the poultry yard--geese, even, included. With snowy owls, the na? tives to whom I spoke seemed to be wholly unacquainted. Crows and blue jays were common in all sec? tions of Cape Breton, but the crow grew less interesting after I had met his big cousin the raven, just as the blue jay had sunk to even lower depths in my estimation after my introduction to the moose bird. The blue jay is a downright villain, and his rascality is emphasized by the Canada jay's virtues. The common crow is shrewd, but he lacks dignity. The first glimpse I had of a raven was from the top of Cape Smoky, where, from a crag more than a thou? sand feet above the waves which dashed against the rocks below, I saw three large black birds come round a headland and sail upon broadly spread wings to the face of a ledge upon which they alighted. The eye of? ten detects differences in outline, move? ment , and carriage which the mind does not analyze or the tongue describe. The three black birds looked like crows; in fact, the Ingonish fisherman will deny all knowledge of the American raven, and insist that there is no specific difference between what he calls a "big crow" and any other crow. Nevertheless, something in the shape, bearing, and method of flight of the three visitors to Smoky fixed my attention sever? al moments before a hoarse croak from the throat of one of them came echoing up the ravine and proclaimed their true character. At Ingonish they were abundant, especially near the cliffs of Middle Head, where I SHEPHERD PHOTO LTD. Christian Supply Centre 21 Sterling Road GlaceBay,N.S. B1A3X6 849-6365 Bibles • Books • !Ausic • Plaques Gifts * Novelties • Sunday School & Church Supplies All Types of Phiotography • Cape Breton Scenes PLANNING TO BUILD or ADDING TO YOUR EXISTING HOME? THEN TAKE THE FIRST STEP BY CONTACTING NORTHSIDE CUSTOM DRAFTING and DESIGN 18 King Street, Sydney i/llnes 736-8040 736-6157 736-9461 CUSTOM HOME PLANS • BUILDING ADDITIONS • DRAFTING SERVICES BLUEPRINTING SERVICES • FREE ESTIMATES • CONTRACTORS RATES
Cape Breton's Magazine
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