Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 50 > Page 80 - A.F. Church and His County Maps

Page 80 - A.F. Church and His County Maps

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1 (706 reads)

now proposed to issue maps of the counties, not in groups but sep? arately, commencing with Halifax County, surveys of which had al? ready been made by or under the direction of H. F. Walling. There? upon the members of the committee of the House of Assembly appointed to deal with maps of the counties reported on April 27, 1865 that they were of opinion that "in order to economise the ex? pense and ensure the completion of the work throughout the whole of the Province the report of the Committee of last session shouW be adhered to; but in order to enable the parties to proceed therewith, the Committee recommend that such portion of the grant of the present session as the Government may deem advisable be ad? vanced to Church and Co." This report was received and adopted by the House of Assembly on April 28,1865. Halifax County Having thereafter received a grant of $400 from the government of Nova Scotia, A. F. Church & Co. of Halifax went ahead with the map of Halifax County, one copy of which was fonwarded on August 3, 1865 to the office of the Provincial Secretary for examination. By that time, however, A. F. Church & Co. had assumed heavy liabilities in connection with the manufacturing of the maps. Although grateful for the grant of $400. already received, it based its claim for additional financial assistance on its presumed understanding that $1,000 of the grant in aid of publication of the maps would apply to Halifax County, for which the government was to receive 200 copies of the work. Accordingly it hoped that arrangements could be made for it to receive the remaining $600. without delay and to be allowed to deliv? er the number of copies ordered by the government at some future date and as soon as might be required after they were issued. On September 11,1865 the Lieutenant Governor in Council resolved that Mr. Church be paid $5. each for 200 copies of the map of Hali? fax County to be distributed to the Public Offices and the Superinten? dent of Education. ATLANTIC FISHERIES A PROMISING FUTURE Scientific Excellence Resource Protection & Conservation Benefits for Canadians Thus the map of Halifax County was the first of the maps of the counties of Nova Scotia published by A. F. Church & Co. Made from actual surveys drawn and engraved under the direction of H. F. Wall? ing, it measured 62" x 64 1/2", on a scale of 500 rods to one inch, and it included plans of the City of Halifax, Oldham Village, Upper Prospect, Waveriey Village, Herring Cove, Ketch Hartxsr, Peggy's Cove, Falkland Village, Tangier Village, Bedford Village, Portuguese Cove, Sambro Village and Germantown, as well as directories of settlements and an inset containing a map of Nova Scotia and adja? cent provinces. Two hundred copies of this map of Halifax County were purchased by the government of Nova Scotia at $5 per copy. Some of the maps ordered by the government were shipped in the barque Halifax, which was wrecked on February 17,1866. Pictou County Meantime, on September 1,1865, A. F. Church & Co. announced that the map of Pictou County would be the next one to be published. By that time its compilation was nearly completed, but it still had to be engraved and issued. Its price was fixed at $5. However, A. F. Church & Co., finding themselves in need of nnore funds than they then had at their command, requested an advance of $800. from the government of Nova Scotia, for which they promised to deliver at the Provincial Secretary's office 160 copies of the map of Pictou County on or before September 1,1866. But they hoped to issue it much ear? lier than that date, and Ambrose F. Church went to New York in 1865 to get it lithographed as quickly as possible. In spite of his urging, however, he found that it would be impossible for him to deliver the maps to the Provincial Sedretary quite as soon as promised. The map of Pictou County was issued in 1867. "It is about the same size as the map of Halifax County," it was reported in the Morning Chronicle of November 14,1867, "and got up in the same splendid style." Actually it was 45 inches by 55 inches, on a scale of one mile to the incIT, with plans of New Glasgow, Hopewell, Pictou, Dur? ham, Albion Mines, and River John, as well as directories of settlements and an inset of Nova Scotia and adjacent provinces. In the meantime, on the eve of Confederation, A. F. Church & Co. deckled that a new Provincial map of the Dominion of Can? ada would be both useful and timely, and a copy of their work of this kind, which was then in course of publication, was for? warded to the Provincial Secretary's office in May 1867. They had set its price at $3 per copy, and they hoped that the gov? ernment of Nova Scotia would also take 200 copies of this map, so that they would be able to put the work into all parts of Nova Scotia without delay. This "New Provincial Map of the Dominion of Canada, including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Isd., Newfoundland, Ontario & Quebec. With Northern Territories & Border States" was published by A. F. Church & Co. of Halifax in 1867. It was lithographed by C. & A. Clarke of Halifax, and it was about 23 1/8 inches by 35 3/8 inches, on a scale of 55 miles to the inch. By the midsummer of 1867 maps of Halifax and Pictou Counties had been published for which A. F. Church & Co. had received assistance from the government of Nova Scotia at the ?? I Canada Maps Dale of Publication 1865 1867 1871 1871 1871 1872 1873 1874 1876 1876 1877 1878 -1882 1883-1887 1883-1887 1883-1887 1883-1887 1888 of the Counties of Nova Scotia Published by A. F. Church & Co. 1865-1888 County Halifax Digby Yarmouth Hants Kings Cumberland Colchester Annapolis Guysborough Cape Breton Antigonish Shelburne Lunenburg Inverness Richmond Scale 500 rods to 1 1 mi. to l" Imi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to l" 1 mi. to 1'' Measuremem 62" 45 54>' 55 55'/' 54y4 54 54V4 56V4 54V4 55V4 54% 58 53V4 56'' 57 53V4 56 X 641i X S5 X 54 X H X 5i X s??: X 51 X 5( X 5(1 X 5ili X Sfii X % X S?? X 5ft X 5ft X 41 X 51) X 54 80
Cape Breton's Magazine
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