Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 50 > Page 95 - From Ruth Whitehead's Micmac Album

Page 95 - From Ruth Whitehead's Micmac Album

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1 (218 reads)

Ing, they detest the habit. Their own character is sincerity it? self; they cannot stand a lie or even duplicity. What they promise they always do. If a person of a more civilized na? tion is unfaithful to his word or deceives them, they at once exclaim: "We have no confi? dence in him. He is no man. We will have no more to do Witt! him." This I have heard from their own lips several limes, when under different cir? cumstances they had been de? ceived by certain individuals, French or English. On the sub? ject of scandal, they are sur? prised and dejected if it hap? pens that some of their own have forgotten themselves in the matter of good morals. They are naturally docile and very ingenious. A missionary has only to ask them some? thing difficult in matters of handicraft, they immediately set to work and very seldom fail in doing it. I have myself experienced this.... The Micmacs of Cape Breton knowing that I was on the road, and would soon arrive at the mission, would all gather there to the num- 3er of five or six hundred.... Three canoes came to meet us-l was hen accompanied by another missionary. This was to do honour to js, to show respect and gratitude. When we approached to the island wo canoes were sent ahead to announce to the king that we would irrive immediately. The king had all his braves armed, for they all lave guns, and the nrwment we landed he commanded them to fire, jfter which he formed them into lines and made them kneel to re? vive our benediction. They then arose and we passed among them, rhey accompanied us to the church where we chanted the "Te )eum," or rather it was chanted by them in thanksgiving for our arri- 'al. This is the ordinary cerenwny of honouring the arrival of a nissionary. Rev. Fr. Vincent de Paul 1849 , Sydney Cape Breton ?? 29 November 1849 )ir (The Hon. Joseph Howe) it the request of an Indian family in this neighbourhood I beg leave ) fonward some Quill Boxes (&c;) which the Mother of the Family has one with a desire that they may be forwarded to England to be pre- ented as a mark of her special love for Her Majesty the Queen. May therefore request you will make the wishes of the individual known ) His Excellency The Lieutenant Govemor~and, if His Excellency links proper, to cause the articles to be transmitted in accordance 'ith the wishes of the donor. I have &c; &c; Signed/ P. H. Clarke • 4 OCA ?? Whvcocomaah. 17th November. 1850. Henry W. Craw- ! OQU > ley, Esq. Respected Sir - Your Letter to us, dated 9th May, 1848, in reference to Morrison's encroachment on land, is of no avail, for without mnning the risk of lives we cannot turn them off. There are four more houses built, and it seems that nothing will do but turn them off with the Sheriff of the County, as it is of no use for us to battle with them; for they threaten us every day as if they were for turning us off altogether. We can prove them trouble and annoy? ance to us; since last May our wives can hardly walk the highway without being annoyed. Respected sir, as we have lived so long un? der your kind protection, we wish now to be guided by you what steps to take, as our nearest neightwr will do what he can for us, and knows our grievances, which you will please direct your letter to, his name is R. G. McDonald, as we are well aware he will go to Port Hood to the Sheriff with us. Respected Sir, We remain your obedient, (Signed) Peter Gougou, John Newel, Gaspar Meuse 1 5'fiO C C ??'" "'y former mission an accident happened I 00fci"00 ?? one winter to an Indian in the woods; and hear? ing of it, I went to see if I could be of service to him in any way. A heavy tree, which he or a comrade had been felling,~came down up? on his foot and crushed it dreadfully so as to render immediate am? putation necessary to save his life. The surgeon had already been there with some neighbouring white settlers, to make arrangements for the operation. As this could not be done in his wigwam they had provided a stove and other things to fit up a neighbouring school house for the purpose. His resolution however or his want of confi? dence in the white man had failed him, and he had refused to com? ply. On my way there I met the men returning, and learnt from them that the intention was abandoned, and that the doctor was reluctantly LEXANDER GRAHAM BELL TIONAL HISTORIC PARK No Admission Charge inter Schedule: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Beautiful, Intelligent and Peaceful BADDECK, N. S. 75 km. west of Sydney on Route 105 3 MAJOR EXHIBIT AREAS: Bell the Man Bell the Experimenter Hydrofoil Hall GUIDE SERVICE AVAILABLE Canada
Cape Breton's Magazine
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